Leaving Religion

Revolutionizing Beliefs: In Pursuit of Tranquil Spiritual Growth

Richard Ravenbrook Season 4 Episode 5

Join me on an exhilarating journey to salvation, as we defy the shackles of structured religious organizations and discover the significance of spiritual development. Ready to explore the freedom of spirituality, embrace varied paths, and foster a non-judgmental environment for expressing beliefs? Then come, be a part of this enlightening discourse.

Stand with me, as we resist oppressive forces and work towards creating a world where tranquility reigns. We'll shed light on the importance of sharing the spiritual wisdom within us, steering clear from the influences of corporate churches and violence of any sort. Let's take the initiative for change, aiming for a world that's balanced, brimming with love, and integrity. Together, let's rise, enlighten, and contribute towards a better world. Join the conversation about the right to educate and enlighten others about our belief systems without fear of persecutions or obstacles. This is a place where the quest for spiritual knowledge isn't limited but celebrated, pushing us to live our truth and encourage others to do the same. Come, let's make a difference. Together.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome everyone. Welcome back to the peckin preacher podcast in the Ravensbrook sanctuary Today. Today, what we want to talk about Is a gathering. Spirit says the gathering is coming, a Gathering of like-minded people, pecking hearted, spirit-filled, earth-loving people, people that Understand the word balance, love, integrity, equality. These things are in motion. These things will take place, and no, just not very long in the future.

Speaker 1:

You know, I think we all wait for these days. We we know they're coming, we feel they're coming. Some of us think they're coming, and I'm not talking about religious, I'm not talking about the church. I'm talking about the people that will inherit this earth this last, this last go around. You know, as I sit here and I try to Feel spirit, listen to spirit, to properly interpret what spirit is trying to say, it becomes difficult sometimes because you know Physical emotions come through, you get excited, you get sad, you know whatever spirit speaks, what spirit moves through you, you feel these things. You. You not just Understand what's being said, but you feel them and your emotions are affected by them. Sometimes it can be overwhelming. The spirit says there's gonna be a time very soon, and most likely we probably should have already been doing this.

Speaker 1:

But in the United States and in other countries, people like us, pegging hearted, pegging minded, just spiritual people, spiritual seekers, are persecuted daily for their beliefs, are persecuted for their lack of Christian belief or lack of whatever corporate mainstream religion it is. Spirit says there's gonna be a time. You've got to rise up. You've got to rise up and and begin to battle these things in an effort to how do we want to say this? To calm the tides. And I'm not talking about violence. I'm not speaking about rising up and Doing harm or damage or any kind of physical violence. What I'm talking about is enlightenment, teaching, education. You know, we have a church almost on every corner In every town in the United States and they're still building. We have Christian beliefs on our television billboards, internet, our TV shows, but we don't see the other things, we don't see the beliefs that many of us hold. It's like we are not allowed to teach, to mentor, to educate, and if we do do it, we've got to do it in a very small, quiet manner so we don't disrupt the Christian masses. That has to stop. That has to end.

Speaker 1:

We have come to the point in our existence where we have to understand that it isn't just about the persecution but it's about the truth. It's about educating people to the truth, and I've said on many, many, many times that the corporate church doesn't know the truth. Most Christians do not know the truth. I for one, worked in the church and everything else and I thought I knew, I thought I had it and I had nothing. I was deceived. It took a lot for me to reconstruct, deconstruct and understand what Spirit was trying to tell me, because for years I believed what they told me. I believed everything that the ministers, the mentors and the spiritual teachers of the church would teach, but I always felt there was something, something that just wasn't right. It just didn't sit well within my heart. People's actions, words, the way we handled ourselves, the way the church handled itself it just didn't reflect on what I was reading and what I understood from Spirit. But people are being deceived daily and the truth is being suppressed and hindered from our society. Wisdom is being hindered and quenched. The real spiritual teachers are being silenced because evil forces don't want people being enlightened to the truth the way it is right now.

Speaker 1:

We are under control. Well, at least most people are somewhat under control. We have a belief out there that if you're good, you go to heaven and if you're not, you're going to burn for eternity. And to some people that's enough to try to live a decent life. Some people like us. We try to live a good life because it's simply the right thing to do, not because we're afraid. We live a good life. We try to live the best life we can because it's simply good. We want the best for ourselves, our family, our society. We care about more than just our own interests, but the interests of the children and their children, not just our children, but the children, the children that will inherit this earth after us.

Speaker 1:

Spirit says it's time that we rise up. Rise up and demand to be able to teach, to educate, to enlighten, whether it be on the billboards, whether it be in schools, whether it be in homes, on television, wherever it may be. If the cross can be there, so can the pentacle, so can the pentagram, so can whatever symbol you have, whether it be the hammer, whatever it may be. You have the right to teach others what you believe, and without persecution, without hindrance, without someone telling you constantly that you're going to burn forever if you continue to teach what you're teaching, that there is no more backbiting, gossiping, slandering of people, businesses and organizations and temples done by the church or whatever other religious organization that might come against it, saying that, well, we have to say this because our God says we have to come against this.

Speaker 1:

And I say now that we rise up against that, that we reject that notion that you need to come against our belief, and we understand the facts that if your God chooses to eliminate us from this earth because we are less than so, be it. We don't need nor want your persecution and your so-called love. What we want is freedom. What we want is opportunity to live, not just have a life, but live, to be able to express yourself in your heart. You can't even put a post on Facebook without being attacked by religious zealots Trying to tell you that you're wrong, that you're just, you're of the devil so many different things.

Speaker 1:

You do not have the right to come against someone else's religion just because you feel, or because your faith feels, that you've got to say something, because you don't, because it isn't up to you to save anybody. Even the Bible even says that, that you need to worry about your own salvation before you worry about someone else. You have to worry about the stick in your own eye before you go, focusing on someone else's life. And as I look out there in this world, there is nobody perfect, nobody walking around without sticks in their eyes and scars. And I've said this many times you can't tell me that a God would create all of us and then sit back and watch as we fight each other and kill each other of what we think is the truth, when all it would take would be a divine encounter by that God and everything would end All wars, all arguments, all debates, but yet it's silent. And that doesn't mean that you don't believe in God. It doesn't mean that you have how do I want to word this? That because you do.

Speaker 1:

You do believe, but you understand that the way things have been taught are incorrect. The way that we have understood things in the past was incorrect. That all these things exist. God exists. The man that we call Jesus did exist, but the church and the people that would want to control us, and even in other religions it's the same thing, at least in some. I'm not going to say all, because there are a lot of very good religious philosophies out there, but you know we've been under control for a very, very long time. You know they used to even hand out Bibles in schools and try to indoctrinate everybody's children to one religion. And I understand because I was there. You know I understand the notion that one nation under God and we believe this because it's the best thing it is. You know it makes sense if you're Christian.

Speaker 1:

But the problem is we have more than Christians in the United States and throughout this world. The United States is a mixed scene, pot of multiple cultures, religions, philosophies and ideas. We have no right to try to say or to convert or to indoctrinate anyone. Religion and all those things don't belong in school unless we involve all of them in school. Religion, lack of religion, no religion, whatever it may be, those things are for your home, those things are for parents and grandparents and those things we learn at home, those things we learn why we grow up, why we research, when we seek.

Speaker 1:

But we should never be pushed and told what is right, what is wrong, unless we have asked for that opinion. You know, if you go somewhere and you're listening to a specific speaker, then you have already allowed the message of that speaker to come through because you're there. But a Norse pagan wouldn't probably go to a Catholic mass. You know we have to, and this really gets hard. I guess you know, in a way, because we see things and we don't want to, we're going to say, well, you know that. Well, we call pagans I know this is an umbrella term but you know that we've come so far in this world and we're afraid to do anything because we might get pushed back by the same people that pushed us in the hole to begin with.

Speaker 1:

The Spirit says no, the Spirit says it's not going to happen this time. The Spirit says that you will rise up and you will take back what was taken from you, and that doesn't mean you're coming against their God. It doesn't mean you're coming against. What you're coming against is the lies. You're coming against the corporate entities that have developed a doctrine that is outside of what even Christianity was supposed to be. You're coming against the anti-truths. You want to teach enlightenment, you want to teach peace, harmony, equality, and others want to teach that you can't live that way and you can't do this and you can't do that. But you know what Some things are not for us to judge. Some things should be left up to the gods, or the god or creator, whatever it is that you feel in your heart Because you know, on the spiritual path we all walk down different paths and we have different understandings as why sometimes, when I teach it, I'll say multiple different theologies, multiple different paths.

Speaker 1:

I guess because even on myself, you know, I say I have walked many different paths. You will walk many different paths, the things that you believe today. I guarantee you, in 10 years it will change. It may not completely change, but there will be changes because you will find out sometimes that the thing that you thought you knew the most and you had it by golly, you had it nailed to the wall. And in 10 years, five years, whatever it may be, you're going to find out that you know what. I totally misunderstood, that I didn't have a clue of what I was even doing, but I did learn something. That's what spirit's wildest about. It's about walking down multiple paths, learning from those paths, understanding that truth isn't just in one religion.

Speaker 1:

The spirit isn't confined to a theology. Truth doesn't belong to anyone. Truth does not belong to any religion, sect, cult group, organization or whatever it may be. Spirit is free to go to and fro and speak to whoever spirit chooses to speak with. Enlightenment comes to those that seek truth, look deep within themselves, because that's usually where spirit starts. It's the reflections of oneself, the reflections of what have I done in this world, my mistakes, my successes, people that I helped, maybe people that I hurt. But ultimately, spirit shows us what we did, what we should have done, what we didn't do, and that's how we learn. It's not about doctrine, it's not about law. It's about freedom to explore, to live, and I think all religions out there, for the most part, feel that way.

Speaker 1:

But we have allowed the oppressor to come into our world, and it's come into this world through corporate religion, bombarding us everywhere we go, saying that you have to believe this or else Let us rise up and say no, that is not true In my belief. It says this my God says this. My God says that your God is not what he says he is. My God says your God is not a he. My God says I am His child. He created me, they created me and I am of them In Scripture. Know ye not that ye are God's. Know ye not that ye are God's, for what is the child of a God? But a God Understanding the divinity within ourselves. It's been taken away from us.

Speaker 1:

Enlightenment has been shoved in the closet and anybody that tries to find it is marked with some kind of black stain that they're evil, they're a heretic, just like they did Jesus, just like they do everyone that tries to go against the grain of society and what's considered normal. They've got to rise up, not in violence, but in determination and boldness and integrity, and say no more are you going to keep indoctrinating our children. No more are you going to be pushing people and convincing people that they're worthless and no good, that they have nothing to offer this world because they're sinful, because the God I know says something entirely different. God I know says that you can do anything that you put your mind to, that we as a people can come together and develop a world that is complete and utter harmony and peace, that we go far beyond the boundaries of this earth, we can reach for the stars and develop culture that is so much more than you could ever imagine. Right now We've got to get past these religious lines, this indoctrination, this conservative hate and I'm not against conservatives, but sometimes, sometimes we can put ourselves into a mindset that says that you refuse to accept anything that you just don't believe in. But we have to understand it's nobody's asking you to accept something as right. All they're asking you is to accept their right To believe it is for them.

Speaker 1:

You still can hold your right, your belief. If you believe something is wrong, then you live that life like it's wrong. But just as you have that right, so does the other person have the right. You have the right to put a big billboard on the interstate that says come to Jesus. Then someone else has the right to create a big billboard that says you know, whatever it may be, Understand Buddha. You know, there's so many, so many questions and so many things that Spirit starts to stir within you when you start to feel things change.

Speaker 1:

And I said there's going to be a gathering that should excite you, a gathering of us people, the ones that will rise up teachers, educators, mentors, people that will no longer be suppressed. We're not going to be violent, but by golly, if we have to march, we're going to march and we're going to sing it loud, we're going to shout it loud, we're going to put up billboards all over the place, we're going to put up temples if we have to, and we're going to whatever it takes to educate people on the truth. We have that right. We want our right. We want freedom. We want the same thing that others have. We want what is obviously what we obviously don't have right now. You're going to say, well, you got religious freedom, you can do whatever you want in your house or whatever else. No, that's not good enough.

Speaker 1:

I and others and spirit says it's time. The church and others have had 2,000 years to try to create a good world. Look at it. Wars in every country, famine, starvation, sickness Didn't work, didn't do something right, and it's time for a change. It's time for spirit, it's time for the truth, it's time for true spirituality. It's time for enlightenment to be the light that guides everyone on this earth. That should be everyone's goal To be enlightened, to understand the purpose, to understand all of us together, To understand mutual respect of differences, to understand that we all are going to be different and that's okay, that we all work together, regardless of what we believe or anything else. We can live together and coexist in freedom and in expression If we can simply understand mutual respect of differences.

Speaker 1:

You've got to rise up, begin to teach, wherever it may be. When you see someone, you see something in them. You see that they're being intimidated by religion because they have all these teachers out there that are trying to push their doctrine or their teachings, but there's no one else to teach what actually lies within their heart. And I know, I've seen it it was me at that time and I've seen others hungry for spiritual knowledge and unable to find a teacher, unable to find a mentor the only place you can find one is the corporate church. But then you're going the wrong direction, everybody.

Speaker 1:

Just, the time is coming and I'm going to try to end this podcast because I try to keep it under 30 minutes and sometimes I can get talking, sometimes I can get long-winded and just start rambling. But let's just think about what I've said. Think about what spirit is trying to say. Think about how we can do these things in a manner that is the most peaceful, because we don't want to do anything in violence, we don't want to do anything that's going to cause a major ruckus, but we have to find a way to rise. We have to find a way to deter things and change things. We don't want violence, but this has to happen, whether it be by consent or conquest. We up the spirit, but we shall rise and make a better world. Be blessed everybody and Blessed be.

Speaker 2:

Be blessed everybody and Blessed be. Be blessed everybody and Blessed be. Be blessed everybody and Blessed be.

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