Leaving Religion

Journey to Spiritual Awakening: Beyond the Boundaries of Religious Doctrine

Richard Ravenbrook Season 4 Episode 6

Ever wondered why you feel boxed in by religion, yet liberated by spirituality? Well, ponder no more. In our enlightening chat, we dare to debunk the paradigms that shrink us within the narrow corridors of religion. We talk about the appeal of spirituality - the profound journey to self-realization, the broad canvas that allows us to paint our truths, and the interconnection of all beings. We encourage you to question, to seek, and to find your own truth, beyond the written doctrines.

Further, we tread into the radical realm of the Christian witch, an echoing voice of those disenchanted with traditional religious institutions. We take a sneak peek into the profound truths anchored in various religions that draw many, but also, ironically, create a disconnect with their institutionalized versions. In this revealing episode, we celebrate spirituality that resonates with a universal truth, unhindered by any solitary doctrine. Remember, it's about being open to spirit and trusting your inner guidance. So, buckle up for this soul-stirring conversation and discover the power of spirituality.

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Speaker 1:

Hello everybody, welcome back to the Pagan preacher podcast and another spiritual message Today. What we want to talk about, what spirit has urged to speak about, is the difference between religion and spiritual. What is the difference? What is this? What is the difference to you? As I see when I sit back, I Speak to many different people online, over the phone and in person, and they talk about religion and spirituality. They talk about a need for a more powerful spirituality, a more powerful religion, like they used to have Back in the old days.

Speaker 1:

You know, the difference between religion and spirituality Is spirituality Doesn't have the written rules, as religion does. Human beings have a tendency to need things in writing. We need to know what it is, that a Group of people, an organization or whatever we want to title it as we need to know in Full what they believe, what they don't believe and why they believe it or don't believe it. But when we do those things, we restrict, we limit ourself, we limit ourselves from growing, because if we later then go back and say, well, we were wrong here or wrong there, that just gives more evidence to the fact that we need spirituality, because in spirituality we have that grace, we have that room to make mistakes. We have that, I Don't say ability to fall down and get back up no damage done. Spirituality is freedom, true freedom, the freedom to explore. Yes, we have, you know, a basic, fundamental Ideas and truths that we hold by, even in spirituality. Where does we? Just don't go out and do anything, of course, but it's loose, it's eclectic, it's open to Suggestion and interpretation, because spirit wants you to dive in and research Once you, to internally dissect what it is that you are hearing, not just simply Look at a book or look at your churches or your organizations or your Whatever religious temple or whatever it may be and say, okay, the founders said, this is what we're gonna believe, so this is what I hold to, not even maybe really knowing or understanding in full what it is that's even being said and why it's being said, or why something was omitted when it shouldn't have been.

Speaker 1:

Religion is the problem with our world. When we go back and we look at many of our traditions in the past, speaking of spirituality Most of our spiritualities we're not in written texts. They were passed down verbally our parents and our grandparents, the leaders of our clans and tribes, whatever they may be, that's whom we learned from Pass it down from spiritual leader to spiritual leaders, understanding things internally and Then teaching them, not just going by a book or books, and many times we don't even know for sure who the author was. But as human beings, we need that, don't we? We need some kind of grounding. But why Is it? Because that we have been Brainwashed. We have been taught that we learn from books, we learned from repetition, we learn from sitting in front of a instructor or a teacher and they tell us this and that we recorded in our brain and then that's the truth, never really researching and diving into that, because those that do are often considered Conspiracy there at stand. Just, you know, there are the people out there that are often shunned Because they are. They just don't find it easy to accept Just the normal, because that's what someone said, because that's what someone before them said.

Speaker 1:

You know, I've often said that you know where we are born into a world Full of someone else's rules, someone else's ideas of what was important and what was truth. And most of us, many of us, never go past that. We never even question what we're being taught and what we're learning, because we're not really learning, we're just being programmed. We're being indoctrinated into everyone believing the same thing. Therefore, there's no issues, there's no problems, there's no battles or wars when it comes to religion, but obviously that doesn't change the fighting over land, property and just sheer power. Religion is at the heart of almost every issue in our world and has been for the last several thousand years.

Speaker 1:

Spirituality doesn't have those tight regulated doctrines that one must follow, because where the spirit is, there's liberty, and if you can't feel that liberty in your spiritual walk, then there's something wrong. When you go to a church or go to a temple or an organization, whatever it may be, and they have written bylaws, written fundamental truths of what they believe. But is it what you believe? Is it what you should have? Go deeper than that. Not just is it what you believe, but is it what you feel Inside? Has that been confirmed within you, that what you're being taught and what you are respectively going to teach to others Absolute truth? Because if it's not absolute truth, then it shouldn't be taught in the way that it's being taught as absolute truth.

Speaker 1:

Many of us, we don't teach spirituality, but we lead people to spirit, and spirit educates and teaches spirituality, because spirituality is about a connection with spirit. All things have spirit. It's not about just reading from a book. Even Scripture says that. No you not, that you need no man to teach you, because spirit will teach you all things. Did you hear that? It says spirit will teach you all things. You need not any man to teach you. It also says that God, the Creator, does not live and inhabit the temples of man. You know where God resides, if we're going to label it as God in that sense, god spirit is within us, in each one of us, in every living thing on this earth. We are all connected in spirit. We are all divinely in touch with each other.

Speaker 1:

If we can just merely open up, understand that connection, a religion has quenched it. Religion has put walls around so many of us Because if someone believes something slightly different than us, we've got to run out and create our own religion. We've got to create our own church, our own temple, our own synagogue, whatever it may be. We've got to create our own because we just don't believe that way and they believe something different. But do we understand that spirit, spirit of truth, spirit of liberty does not teach multiple doctrines, multiple beliefs and ideas and practices. Mankind does that because we don't interpret spirit correctly or we have just accepted what someone else said they heard from spirit and we trust that person. So that's what we're all with, but we can't do those things.

Speaker 1:

Spirituality is about that connection with spirit and spirit is always going to say the same thing Because the truth believe it or not, though we can all perceive things differently and interpret things differently, there is only one truth, one truth out there. Do we all know what it is? No, probably not. We don't. But that's the part of spirituality is the seeking of that truth. And if we are seeking that truth in spirit, that we have faith to believe that before we pass on we will know that truth, or maybe as we pass on, that is the final, that is the final lesson, final teaching of the truth, and that we have fulfilled everything that was within our heart when we were searching for that truth, because, day by day, step by step, spirit was guiding us where we needed to go, because we were asking spirit to do so. You know we do that by reading books and listening to different mentors and teachers, but we dissect everything we read and everything we hear within.

Speaker 1:

If it doesn't feel right, trust your gut, trust spirit, and it may not be the fact that it's wrong. It may be simply that it's not in the right time for you, or it may be the spirit has something slightly different for you in that aspect, and I know that can be kind of confusing. But what it just means is we have to be open to spirit in our self. If someone says that spirit told them that when they reached a certain point that they should turn left and they were supposed to do this or they were supposed to do that, the spirit has something different for you. So we always have something we have to continuously look within. The spirit may want you to continue walking forward. It may have you go right. Spirit may even have you turn around and start over. It's listening. Sometimes we do. Sometimes we have to get back to our roots. Sometimes we have to go way back to our roots to understand where we come from.

Speaker 1:

You know most are religions, hindu. You know Hindu has many, many ancient texts, but they don't have a formal like Christianity. Does they function? Out of just the 66 books, most religions other than the abryonic face are passed down from generation to generation verbally, because the written word, written text, can be so confusing and so easy to misinterpret, so easy to receive wrong. A slight grammar mistake or a slight just not reading it quite correctly is the context that it was meant to be read and you have a completely different understanding of what the author was even intending the written word unless it's being read by someone that understands that context and understands that context in truth, not just believing they have truth, but knowing that they have absolute truth, and I know this goes extremely deep.

Speaker 1:

But what it's just? It boils down to the simple thing between religion and spirituality. Religion destroys because religion limits us and prevents us from growing inside. Spirituality does the very opposite. It frees us, it opens us up to believing more than what a book can say. It gives us that connection to something other than ourselves, something that we can't see but we can feel. And when we can feel, we begin to see with not our eyes, but we begin to see Spirit in the workings around us that we can't see Spirit. We can't see God, but we can't see the wind. But we can see the wind blowing in the trees. We can see the effect of the wind in the trees, you know. We can see the effect of the sun that gives what the plants need. You understand what I'm saying. We can see the effect of things, even though we can't necessarily see it, but yet it's there.

Speaker 1:

When we dive into Spirit, we begin to see that way. We begin to see, not necessarily Spirit in a function as in a formal body, but we begin to see the actions and reactions of Spirit in our life, when we begin to hear and feel Spirit nudge us and say, hey, you need to do this. And then, when we start to do that, we begin to see our life change. We begin to see better things happen to us because we're listening. We begin to see our life get better, improvements all over. We see ourself being empowered because we're not denying Spirit and we're not denying ourselves what it was that we were destined for. We believe and we walk in power.

Speaker 1:

All religions, even Christianity, when it talks about the faith of a grain, of a mustard seed, that if you believe that you could tell that mountain to move and it shall be moved, it was literally speaking that if you believe in something enough believe that you can do it, then you can do it. Empowerment, power, is only found in spirituality. When Spirit gives you that utterance to speak, it gives you that willpower to stand. It gives you that boldness when fear might have had you trembling to your knees. Spirit does many, many things. You can't have Spirit when we're in religion, only in spirituality. You want to know why the churches are dying? Because it's all religion. They took out Spirit. They took out the spirituality. Many of the religions around took out spirituality and Spirit. Even in Wicca there is Spirit. Some call it something different the Pentecost. Earth, air, fire, water, spirit Everything has Spirit.

Speaker 1:

Remember that if you take anything from this podcast whatsoever, just remember that religion is not what you're looking for. Religion destroys, religion limits. Religion kills, hinders, but mankind has used it to control the masses for so long. We think we need it, but we don't. You don't need it. You don't need books at all. Yes, they are great. It has blueprints on this path. They kind of guide here and they kind of guide there, but ultimately, if you are looking and listening, your lessons will come and they'll come in ways that you could have never imagined. They'll come in this podcast. They'll come through a television show or a magazine you read. Lessons will come and you'll be watching something or reading something or listening to something and you'll just something or click.

Speaker 1:

That's spirit, something nudging you to say you know what, I didn't know. That's kind of cool. I need to look into that more often. I need to look deeper into that. That's spirit. Listen to it, go do it. It says that, hey, you're interested in a certain subject and you might want to start reading up on it. Well, go read up on it. It may not be the path that you take, but it may be the beginning of where you find that path, or you may find the person to walk with you on that path when you go find that, when you go for that book or go for that, whatever it may be.

Speaker 1:

You know they say God works in mysterious ways, but Spirit is God and God is Spirit. It's all in terms and definitions and perceptions and titles and labels. Whatever you consider the essence within us, god Spirit, whether it's just divine energy, it's all the same. The truth is the same. There's only one truth Human perception created all these different labels, created all these different titles. You know it's kind of like having many friends that are Christian witches and then you'll have people out there that say, well, there's no way you can be that Christian witch, because it's just a total contradiction in terms and in religion and in spirituality too. But that's not true because it's in perception of what you consider a witch and what you consider Christianity. You consider Christianity the religion that's within the book or do you consider Christianity the following of the man we call Jesus? Because the book only gives three years of Jesus' life? He lived 33 years. He studied many different things, so someone can call themselves a follower of the Christ and in terms of Christianity. But if Jesus learned the Kabbalah, if he learned the ways of Hindu and many other different practices, then you are Christian, true Christian. If you're doing that, what is your idea of a witch?

Speaker 1:

Bivically, a witch was a poisoner or a person that summons demons, a hurtful person or a harmful person, an evil-hearted person. But that's not what majority of the people on this earth are. It doesn't fit within that definition. The church labeled all wise women and those that understood herbs and practice and understood those kind of things. They labeled them all evil because they couldn't understand it, because all they had was religion, not spirituality. They didn't understand the power. They knew they were supposed to have the power, but they knew that they had the power and they didn't. But everything in religion destroys.

Speaker 1:

I don't know where I got into the subject of the Christian witch. I guess because there's a lot of people out there that are trying to deconstruct from the church because they know that it's powerless anymore. They know that there's something more out there. They feel the power, they feel spirit, they feel all these different things, but yet they still feel the pulling towards certain foundations found within Christianity. And I've said many times before, there are truths within Christianity. Just the church isn't teaching it.

Speaker 1:

And there's truth in witchcraft. There is truth in Hindu Buddha. There is truth in Muslim. There is truth in many, many practices and religions. But only in spirituality can we connect a spirit and know absolute one truth. Thank you everyone for taking the time to listen. I urge you to subscribe to our YouTube channel, the Peckin' Preacher. Also subscribe to whatever podcast you follow on Spotify, pandora, whatever it may be. Maybe consider being a sponsor. $3 a month truly helps us fund the expenses for this, so we can grow and do more good for Mother Earth and for the spreading of truth. Be blessed everyone and bless it be.

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