Leaving Religion

Exploring Christianity: A Pagan Preacher's Perspective

Rev Dr. Richard Kent (Ravenbrook) Season 4 Episode 8

Can you imagine a world where the faithful took a proactive approach to their beliefs, rising above the monotony of the norm? Welcome to our mind-expanding conversation with the Pagan preacher, Reverend Richard Kent, who provocatively urges the church to awaken from its spiritual slumber. He paints a poignant picture of societal grief and implores the church, particularly the younger generation, to challenge the status quo. Reverend Kent implores believers to initiate change rather than waiting for it to be thrust upon them, thus embodying the essence of Christ in daily life. 

Dare to question, dare to seek the truth, and dare to grow; this episode is a spiritual journey that will redefine your perspective on faith. We step away from the constraints of organized religion and encourage you to find the divine within you. As we unpack the limitations of religious texts, we underline the importance of personal spiritual growth and highlight the unexplored years of Jesus' life. We welcome you to embrace the guidance of the spirit to uncover your life's purpose. This enlightening journey will inspire you to be a beacon of love and compassion, truly embodying the spirit of Christ in your life. So, come along, open your hearts and minds, and prepare to be moved.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome everyone. I'm Reverend Richard Kent, the Pagan preacher. Welcome back to another spiritual message. Today I want to talk straight from the heart, straight from the utterance of spirit. This week I've seen so much you know how I say that a lot don't I See so much because I do. Have you ever noticed?

Speaker 1:

When you get in touch with spirit, when you gain that connection to spirit, things change. No longer is life just the physical, it's no longer just a house and car job. It becomes things that are much, much deeper, much more intense, emotional. Others, you know they, say, ignorance is bliss, and it's true, because when spirit begins to give you wisdom, begins to give you knowledge, it creates sometimes a sadness and a grief within you. Because you know the truth, you know sometimes what the answers are, but you also know that most of the population won't listen, won't hear, because they aren't open to that truth. They believe they have the truth and they've closed their mind to anything else other than what they were taught and what they have believed. People will hang on to their belief and they will fight. They will fight with everything in them to protect a belief, even if it's wrong. We close our minds and we block everything rather than being open to truth and to new things.

Speaker 1:

Why do we fear so much about learning? You know, even even vividly, 365 or more times fear not. Why do we fear so much? But we do, don't we? We fear learning because we fear we'll be deceived. How do we know we haven't already been deceived, unless we are open to new things, open to instruction, open to new direction and allowing spirit to give us that spirit of desertion and the knowledge of is this right or is this wrong? But I see so much. But more than anything, when I say I want to speak from the heart, because I see the sadness in this world, I see many people waking up every day, not Not just not happy, not content, not. I see people losing hope. I see people losing their feeling of purpose, their feeling of direction, because we live in a world right now, or should I say we live in a country, rather, for those of us that live in the United States, we live in a country where we have put ourselves into slavery. We are slaves to death.

Speaker 1:

Most of us and our children are beginning to wake up. You know, the younger generation is beginning to wake up and say you know what I don't want to live like my parents, my grandparents. I don't want to have to get up every day and go work for someone else just to have the basic necessities that my creator said I was supposed to have for free. Who did this to us? You know, we were born into a world that we didn't make the rules for. We never even agreed to the rules. We were born into a world where we're told how we're going to do it, what we're going to do and how much we're going to do it for and how much we're going to pay, that we have to give a percentage of our wages to someone we don't even know to do, things that we don't even believe in.

Speaker 1:

The younger generation is beginning to wake up, but this is causing a sadness and a grief in this country, because there's a confusion of what's going on, and you know I've said there's going to be a gathering, a gathering of like-minded individuals, those individuals that feel the same thing that I feel and that you feel, that all of us that are feeling the same thing that we're tired of this, this, whatever it may be, this slave to debt, this not having a life but only struggling through this life merely to survive. We're not talking about having luxuries. We're talking about some people are struggling just to put food in their stomach and a roof over their head due to the greed in this country and the selfishness and the arrogance. We see churches almost on every corner worth millions and millions of dollars, but yet we see homeless all over this place. We see children with you know second and third hand-me-downs because no one can afford new clothes, shoes with holes in them, but yet we've got $100,000 sound systems in the church. People. We've gone way off track.

Speaker 1:

This is why I left the corporate church. This is why I don't believe in the typical corporate church. I do believe in, you know, certain fellowships and I do believe in coming together in a like-mindedness and having good discussions about spirit and having good fellowships about how to help each other and how to grow with each other, how to grow in spirit, how to grow as the human race and what we can do to better each other and better our knowledge and wisdom. Those things are good, but I think most of the current church they don't follow the man we call Jesus, but they follow the disciple Paul. Everything that I see is based upon other individuals rather than the man we call Jesus. Most of the church, most of their bylaws, most of their rules are all based on what someone else said, but not Jesus, you know.

Speaker 1:

And this message is, for the most part, directed to the church and to Christians. I know I'm the pagan preacher and everyone knows that I call myself the pagan preacher because in my heart, that's where I am I have a lot of love for Mother Earth and the creatures on this earth and the balance of life. Without going into depth, but I've said many times that there is a truth to Christianity and I wish to help Christians deconstruct from the wrong aspect of Christianity. And if you're going to follow Christianity, please follow the man you call the Christ. Follow what he said, you know. He said that I am the way, because he was asking you to follow, not him per se, but follow his example. He also said greater things will you do. You know, we have so many churches and so many people in today's society that are waiting for someone else. They're waiting for God to do something for them. When he said that he wanted you to do it Greater things will you do than I. Those tasks were put on you and me. They were put on the church. They were put on the fellowships of this earth to teach the truth.

Speaker 1:

Most of the church can't teach the truth. They can't teach what's in the Bible, but the Bible only gives three years of Jesus' life. How are you teaching the truth if you're only teaching a very, very small percentage of it? Well, we're not necessarily lying, but what happens when you give somebody only 5% of the truth and then you just let them go? They get deceived, they get tricked, they fall down because they don't have everything they need. They don't have that full armor on. They don't know where to go and what to do because you didn't teach them. Where did Jesus go during that other 30 years? What did he learn? We're sad and we're grieved in this country because we've been following an example that wasn't Him. You know he spoke of choice and truth and liberty and giving people, all people, the love and respect that they deserve as people.

Speaker 1:

But the church doesn't do that. I see so many times that someone asks for money for food or they ask for you know, they've got a family and they can't afford it and they can't afford to pay. You know, can I get help with my light bill? And they say well, we normally don't do that, but if you'll attend a couple of services we might be able to help you. Did we realize how wrong that is? I understand that every church can't help everybody, because that would be financially impossible and it would be financially just not very smart. Obviously we can't do that, but together we could.

Speaker 1:

If the church was united rather than divided into so many denominations that teach so many different truths, think of the power it would have in society. What if you just stopped arguing about all these foolish doctrines and just focused on the truth at hand Rather than all this bickering about you? Know it's crazy. Look out on our world right now. Look at the suffering, look at the chaos, look at the torment. We've got political leaders that don't care about us. We've got teachers and priests that pray upon children. We've got pastors that have hurt children. We've got churches worth millions, but all they do is focus on their own profit and their own growth rather than helping their community. You say why are you going into so much about the church? Because it angers me within, it grieves my spirit, because that's where I come from and I know that there's people out there that have a love for Christianity, the real Christianity Now, the Christianity that we see in today's country and in today's world, because that's not real Christianity.

Speaker 1:

You know, when people ask how can you be a Christian witch, they don't understand how you can be a Christian witch because they're focused on the lies that are in the 66 books in the Bible. When I say lies, I say the misinterpretations, the mistranslations, but the sad part is those things were done on purpose. You know, king James purposely made changes. You know, we all know that the Geneva Bible came way before the King James, but King James wanted a Bible that was more clear and more not real, not wouldn't cause an uprising. You know we have to focus on understanding what the truth truly is and most of us have been lied to. We don't understand where to go or who to follow because we've been lied to and we're afraid to say that. We know we've been lied to because, you know, our parents taught us that and our grandparents taught us that and that means they lied to. Whether they meant who or not, they did tell a story, they did tell something that was not true, they told us a lie and the world and our country has been falling ever since.

Speaker 1:

You know we look back and we're going to say, well, we're doing things, so right, we started that way, maybe. And then we started forcing things. We started indoctrinating people, we started forcing prayer in school and forcing the Pledge of Allegiance, things like that, into the typical person. That sounds good, you know. That sounds like what we need to do, but what we did is we removed the spirit of liberty, that choice. We removed free will, we removed every aspect of choice and we demanded that everyone follow one way. We did what we said. We fought against, we created a system of nationalists and then we hated and we tried to push out everything that came against it, just like the church did, labeling everything outside of that belief as evil and of the devil. And many of them didn't even believe in the devil, never followed the devil, never even acknowledged a devil, and you know it's really hard to follow something that you don't even acknowledge.

Speaker 1:

This country is failing, this country is falling, and I'm here to tell you that there's a time coming very quickly when a collapse will take place, a time of great economic turmoil and suffering, more than what we've seen since the days of the Depression. It's coming, and it's coming because of greed and selfishness. It's coming because people just don't trust anything or anybody anymore. And it's because of these lives. You know, when we, when we grow up, we're told so many different things from our parents and from our religious leaders, whatever everything from Santa Claus to the Easter Bunny, to whoever it is but we believed those things as children, didn't we? Then, later on, we found out they were all lies. But those lies came from people we loved. Those lies came from people we trusted. And we don't understand that.

Speaker 1:

From birth, from the day that we get through high school, we find out that most of the things we believed as children were not true. We're simply fables, fairy tales and lies, and then we're told to believe this, we're told to believe this and to understand this is the right way. This is the way we're supposed to do things. Well, that sometimes that gets hard to do and you've been lied to your whole life. We've got to start raising up children in the truth. I know these things are fun, they make holidays fun, but we've got to start telling children the truth.

Speaker 1:

We've got to start telling children that racism is bad, that bigotry is not of God. No God that I know of would ever agree, bigotry. You know that slavery is not acceptable in any form whatsoever, that to go against anyone's self-will is not acceptable, that each man, each woman of age should be able to do what it is that they choose to do, when they choose to do it, and as long as it's not hurting anyone else unwillingly. No one should have the right to turn them, to hinder them or stop them, Because that's freedom. We're sad in this world where our country is collapsing because we just simply can't come together as a people.

Speaker 1:

We want to fight about religion when most of our religions can't even tell us what the direct truth is, the absolute truth. But the thing is many of them don't say they have the absolute truth. What they say is they can help lead you to truth. Only the church that I know of, maybe Muslim too in their own degree. Only that they teach that if you don't follow their path, that there's no choice for you, there's no chance for you, that you have to follow that path. That is the path, that's the only path. You know, when Hindu doesn't teach that, buddha doesn't teach that, at least you know. These teachers taught to look within. Look within to find that truth, to find your path to find that essence of life, that truth that binds us all together. So much has been put out there to stop us from finding that truth. Even the church tells you to look outwardly, focus outwardly toward just God, when we have to look inwardly.

Speaker 1:

Even the man we call Jesus what did he tell the Pharisees? He said even your own Bible says that the kingdom of God is within you. Why do you keep talking about this other? You're pointing to other directions in this. The sky, dad, the sky daddy. What do you think is there? God would be in the kingdom. And Jesus himself said the kingdom of God is within you. You cannot find the truth unless you look within yourself. You've got to be able to listen to the spirit within you, focusing on the things around you, taking lessons from within, because when you stop talking and you start listening and you start observing, you start learning. You know. Even scripture says that you need no man to teach you, because the spirit will teach you all things. That's the truth. I mean.

Speaker 1:

What do you think people did before the building of churches, before the building of temples? What do you think people did? They passed knowledge down from each other. Yes, they told stories around the fires. But they learned the deeper things through experience, through life, through emotion. You know, in today's society we just want to. Every religion seems like, especially Christianity. They got that book and if it's not in that book then it can't be truth and that's simply not the truth. It's not the truth. The 66 books in those Bible, in that Bible even the very beginning Bible, not the ones we see nowadays, that are nothing of the original Even those 66 original books is only a portion of the things that were written.

Speaker 1:

How do you know the truth? How do you focus on the truth? How do you teach the truth when you don't even know the truth? How do you teach of a man that you say is your savior when you only know about three years of his life? You're going to teach people to follow this man that you don't even know. But there's information out there that tells specifically where Jesus went, what Jesus did, what Jesus studied. But the church doesn't want you to hear that because it might deter you from believing everything that the corporate church teaches. It may convince you to follow a different type of Christianity. It may open you to the fact that the label Christian Witch is indeed possible, because it's simply a matter of perspective, a matter of how you define those labels and how the church in the past tarnished those labels, how they marked and scarred them up to make people believe that those labels, like Witch, were bad, that they were evil, they were of the devil. Who did that? We all know the horrible things the church did in order to spread its message. I see this thing on Facebook all the time that Islam spread their message through this way war and murder but Christianity spread this message through the message and kindness and love. That's absolutely not the truth. The church notice I'm saying I'm talking about the church, not Christianity itself. The church murdered millions of people in order to spread its message of confinement, conversion. It desperately wanted to control people using a religion of fear, but the man we call Jesus didn't talk about fear.

Speaker 1:

You're going to say, yeah, but this scripture says this and this scripture you gotta remember. We have to go back to the very beginning. What you have to also realize is a lot of the scripture that you see number one was written not by the disciple or Jesus himself, but was written not only by another person, but sometimes second, third and fourth hand information. Most of it was written 100 to 200 years after the fact. But yeah, we're going to say well, this is absolute truth. You can't say that's absolute truth, but you know where you can find absolute truth Within you. Within you, within spirit is absolute truth.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes it takes some time to learn it. Sometimes we fall down, sometimes we get a little bit off balance. Sometimes we might even think of something, consider something, maybe even believe in something for a short time, until spirit smacks us on the back of the head and says what? That's not what I said, and I think we've all had one of those moments. But that's what mercy and grace is about. It's about learning. You know? No, the Creator doesn't expect you to know everything overnight and be able to walk that perfect path. It doesn't expect you to be the perfect holy person. Nobody is that way. Nobody on this planet is perfect. Nobody can be perfect without looking within, because we change within first, and when we begin to change within, it begins to show on the outside. It begins to show because we start doing things differently, we begin talking differently, we begin to act differently, we begin to present ourselves differently. Those are the things that we call the fruits of the spirit. Just because you call yourself something doesn't.

Speaker 1:

I've seen more people that classify themselves as witches, a Christian witch, a magi, whatever it may be, mystics. I've seen more Christ-like attitudes in them that I have most of the church, because when you go into the church I don't see that grace, I don't see that mercy. I don't see people that would give the shirt off their back and if somebody was hungry they would pull out the money out of their wallet and give to them. But everything has. It just seems like everybody has this. I don't know how you wouldn't explain it but they have their. That's really hard, but the spirit of Christ just isn't there. It isn't there Even when they try, even when they.

Speaker 1:

I'm not saying that all churches that way, because obviously they're not, but there's so many that are and you're going to say, well, you can't control what all of them do, but if you are one body, then you should be able to, and when you see a body like that that's not doing what they're supposed to be doing, you should feel. You should feel like you can say something and somebody will listen, but we can't. This world in our country is grieved and sad. I hope this message has touched you and if you take anything from this message, we've got to change this country. We've got to change, we've got to bring about the real Christianity, if that's the way you want to call it. I want to say that we're going to bring about a faith that follows the man we call Jesus, follows not only his example, but where he went, what he taught, and that goes way beyond the four walls of the corporate church in today's world.

Speaker 1:

Ask your church, ask your pastor what about the other 30 years? We want to learn about those other 30 years and I bet you say, well, the Bible doesn't say anything about it. Well, okay, what about all the other literature out there that does? Oh, we can't trust that. Why can't we trust that? If we can trust this, they were all written by man. Well, this was inspired by God. Do you think those other works weren't inspired by God? Of course they were. Some maybe not, but many were.

Speaker 1:

Anybody that has the spirit of God within them that writes, then that word is inspired, correct? The church, in an effort of control, has tried to convince you that nothing else is inspired by God. And if someone speaks you from spirit, that is an inspired message of God, when you feel that within your heart, when you feel that you be in touch and you're hearing this not only with your ears but your heart. That is spirit. If God is alive, like you say, then why do you think you only can find God in that 66 books?

Speaker 1:

Every day, the spirit speaks, speaks the radio. It speaks in other books, speaks on graffiti, on the side of the roads, on walls and bridges, where someone gives an utterance and doesn't even realize they're doing it. They write it. Open your heart, open your mind to listen to spirit. You do have purpose, you do have a goal in this world, in this life, you do have direction and I say that because I speak it unto you that made that direction and that guidance. May that light show you the way. May spirit speak to you in a way that is not doubtable, but that you will know within your heart that that is spirit. Trust it, follow it, don't doubt it. Be blessed everybody and blessed be.

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