Leaving Religion

Navigating the Path Toward Peace by Honoring Humanity's Sacred Bond

Richard Ravenbrook Season 5 Episode 7

Can our understanding of spirituality transform the chaotic landscape of global events? This episode takes you on a profound journey, exploring the intersection of faith, politics, and our shared humanity. We delve into the spiritual implications behind the UN's acceptance of Palestine, the impact of President Joe Biden's decision to halt a weapons shipment to Israel, and the universal craving for peace that transcends borders and beliefs. Confronting the divisive attitudes that fuel superiority complexes and strife, our conversation seeks to illuminate the teachings of Jesus Yeshua, advocating for a perspective that honors our collective divinity and the true spirit behind religious law.

Prepare to be inspired as we discuss the transformative power of mutual respect in cultivating world peace. We shed light on the importance of self-improvement and the inherent potential for good that lies within each of us, challenging the narrative of inherent human flaw. Acknowledging the exhaustion many feel towards persistent division, we propose unity as the bedrock for societal progress, where diversity is not just tolerated but celebrated. This episode offers hope for a future where global conflicts are resolved through diplomacy and a shared commitment to a peaceful coexistence, highlighting the role each individual plays in forging a harmonious world. Join us in reimagining a society where our differences are the catalyst for our collective advancement.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome everyone, welcome spiritual seekers, welcome back to another spiritual message. Last week we've had a lot of things going on, haven't we Been watching not just the news but, you know, social media, things of that nature. Sadly, it seems like social media is the only way to actually get some news anymore. Social media is the only way to actually get some news anymore, because American news channels just don't seem to want to broadcast the entire, unbiased truth anymore. But there is so much happening. We see the UN has accepted Palestine in as a member. We see that president joe biden has halted a weapons shipment to israel.

Speaker 1:

We see people throughout the world working to end this genocide and this slaughter of innocent people. We see unification. We see people waking up all over the world realizing who they are, realizing that their government is not their God, that, in fact, government was put in place to assist the people, not to control the people. But our governments have become corrupt, corrupt to the point of if we do not stand, if we do not establish new governments throughout this world, then I think we all know the outcome. We see Israel. We see the arrogance in what they claim to be the chosen people. We see that they, and we hear what they say, at least the people that are actually researching and looking into these things, because you won't find what I'm saying on the regular news. You won't see that the Israelite people believe that everyone else is below them, that they believe that this world are dogs compared to them, this world are dogs compared to them, that they are at the top of the ladder here, and that is not the case. We look and we see their disrespect. We see their unappreciation for life. We see their racism and their bigotry. We see that, though they may believe that they serve and they function under this one God, that this is not the God of creation and this is not the God of many of us here on planet earth. We were a planet of many gods, weren't we? We were a planet of many faiths and many traditions and many gods. We all are different, we all have DNA traits that mark us as different and we had different aspects of faith and cultures and gods, until one main religion began to move out and, in their quest to so-called convert people to their God, they destroyed, they slaughtered and they eliminated each and every individual that refused to convert and to become like them, and we see that going on in Israel right now, because they don't want to deal with the Muslim people anymore. They can't live in peace with anybody that opposes or is different than what they are. They don't know peace. They don't know how to achieve peace Because it's not in their nature.

Speaker 1:

From everything that I've seen since, the age of accountability has been nothing but division, rage, racism and hate coming from people that are supposed to be the chosen people. I do not believe these are the chosen people. And if you believe they are the chosen people, I do not believe these are the chosen people. And if you believe they are the chosen people simply because of this book, this book that we don't even know the author to says that you know, a few thousand years ago, that a God gave them this land, without regard to anyone else's God, without regard to whether that be factual, whether that be historically correct, whether that be even just be historically correct, whether that be even just.

Speaker 1:

We have people out there that support Israel simply because the Bible says so, and it's like have we gone completely insane that we believe this book, without doubt, without question, without regard to intellectual thought and deductive reasonings, that you believe a book that has been altered over 30,000 times as factual truth. I'm not saying that there are not good things within the Bible, because there are. There are many good things that help us live a good life, many good things that can even lead a person to God. But they have been altered and tampered and tainted by mankind itself in order to control, in order to do exactly what Israel is doing right now. Because how many of us out there right now would still support Israel and its genocide if it were never written within Scripture to do so? And if you say that right now, that that's the only reason that, in your opinion, yes, they are doing wrong, and even though that they have reason to be angry, just like the Palestinians have reason to be angry that there is another way, that there is a diplomatic way to end this war, if you want to call it a war, that there is a way to bring peace among all people.

Speaker 1:

All it takes is understanding the divinity within ourselves. Understanding, you know, because the man that you call Jesus, yeshua, he came to teach many things, but we know that, even when dealing with the Pharisees, the Pharisees, all they knew was law, all they knew was a book. They couldn't quite understand why, or the deeper concepts that were within the book. And Jesus Yeshua would try to teach them. And in his teaching they thought he was a heretic because he was going against what was written. And he wasn't going against what was written. And he wasn't going against what was written, he was trying to explain to them the spirit behind the law, the reasoning behind the law. Well, we're not supposed to do anything on the Sabbath day, but who wouldn't? If someone was in danger of losing their life wouldn't go help them on the Sabbath day. You know examples like that that. You know that the purpose of that law was to ask people to rest, to give that day in honor, to give that day in honor, to give that day in relaxation for yourself, to kind of untie the burdens of work and the trials and tribulations and to focus on the real needs and the real purpose of life and to enjoy it. That's what the whole. But they couldn't quite understand the law and people can't do that in today's society either.

Speaker 1:

You know I have many people that when they're trying to deconstruct from mainstream religion, when they're trying to deconstruct from corporate Christianity, and they don't quite understand. You know that you can't validate a book by using the book itself, and so many people try to do that when they're trying to pull people back into their fold. Well, this scripture says this. Well, yeah, but that scripture says this and this scripture says that, but you're using the same book. How do you validate a book with a book? How do you validate when you don't even know who wrote the book, when the book was written, when you don't even understand how many times those wordings have changed and how many books have been taken out, how many times books or not books but words have been added, for instance, you know, like the book of enoch.

Speaker 1:

Book of enoch was removed from most bibles because it it its teachings were more extreme and more outside the lines of what the church wanted people to understand as the truth. Because it is, because I've read it. It is very enlightening, but you remember, if you've read the Bible, it says Enoch was a man that walked with God. Now, why would they remove a book from someone that walked with God himself? Does anybody ever ask that question? But yet you still say that you support Israel strictly because the book says so. The book also says to stone rebellious children to death. It also says it's acceptable to sell your daughter into slavery. It also says that you can't eat many foods upon this earth.

Speaker 1:

But we do, and it seems like so many people out there, so many christians out there, want to say that the book is 100% the inspiration of God and we must follow this thing 100%. Oh, but not that and not that, and not that and not that. But yes, that right over there. Is that insanity, or is it just me? We've lost the aspect of spirituality. We've lost the aspect of spirituality. We've lost the, the idea of tuning in and listening to spirit within ourselves.

Speaker 1:

How many religions and faiths out there that tell us to look within to find the answers? Because that's the truth, even when I'm teaching people, deconstructing, when they kind of say well, I'm used to looking upwards in order to find God or to find you know, I said, but even Jesus said, the kingdom of God is within you and where else, where the king reside, but in the kingdom? I will also says that God is spirit, meaning within you, within your spirit, lies the very essence of God, of everything divine, and we're not talking about your fleshly outer, the temple that shelters and holds this spirit. But we've lost the idea and most of us are even afraid to even talk about that that we are spirits having a physical experience, but we've limited ourselves so many times as Christians that we have no power, we have no understanding and we do ignorant things like support a nation that is murdering children. There's countries all over the world I think it was a hundred and forgive me if I'm wrong, but I think it was 143 countries supported Palestine becoming a member of the UN and an entity within themselves to where they have the right to exist as they choose to exist.

Speaker 1:

We are making grounds, but I see so much hate, especially on social media here in the United. So many people that say they go to church every week, twice a week. You see them ministering all over Facebook and Twitter and whatever else that they're on out there and, at the same time, condoning the murder of children, of innocent women and even men that are not soldiers. This is without honor. You know I'm a veteran myself and I know many other veterans and I've, you know, when speaking about honor, the only thing that you can and there's a lot of those within Japanese traditions and various others that can understand what I'm saying and I hope you do too when it speaks about honor, but a man that kills innocent people, innocent people that can't even defend themselves because they have no weapons to defend themselves. There is no honor in that. There is no honor in murdering people outside of defense or protection, but that's exactly what they're doing. They're slaughtering people for land and resources, and our churches in this country, or even the people that aren't religious but have been brainwashed by the media, support a country that or I want to kind of reword that, because you know, you can still support a country's right to defense and a country's right to exist and still fight the corruption within that country. You can still fight the actions of that country without necessarily coming against the country itself.

Speaker 1:

What Israel is doing is wrong, and I don't believe any religion can agree that it's right, at least no religion that is of peace and love, because peace and love does not murder five-year-old babies, does not. I seen a picture the other day of an 18 month old child that had a bullet to the back of its head and people won't say, well, that's, that's just casualties of war. No, it's fighting without honor. We're fighting with drones and planes that people can't even see, that all of a sudden a bomb has dropped on their houses as they sleep and we want to say that while we're just killing terrorists. Have we lost our minds? Have we lost our humanity? It seems like we have. I see it even here in this country, when simple things like driving down the road, when grown adults can't even follow the law, but yet we expect our children to walk the line. We've got grown adults that drive, reckless and stupid and it's just insane the things that we see in this country and, at the same time, demanding our children follow the rules and follow the laws, as we as adults can't seem to get by one day doing that same thing.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes it feels like Americans are a fart in a whirlwind. Feels like Americans are a fart in a whirlwind, just completely crazy and absolutely fickle, not knowing what it is that they stand on, not knowing what it is that they believe in, because they're so filled with propaganda and hate and false stories, false narratives, that they don't even know what to believe, because they don't have anything to fall back on. They have no truth. And then, when someone starts to speak the truth, they believe it's a conspiracy theory and they laugh because they're not used to the truth. They're used to lies, and especially religious people. Religious people will do anything and they will fight tooth and nail to hang on to a belief simply because it's what they have believed. And it's hard I know it's hard to believe something for years and then find out that, well, that wasn't true, because not only did the people that taught you that lie to you, but you were fooled, you were conned and you were deceived and for years you lost years of your life to a lie. And that's why I fight every day to help teach people the truth, to enlighten people of the truth. And, yes, most people, just like they did Yeshua, they call them a heretic Because they go against the grain, they go against the narrative of modern day mainstream religion, when actually they're not. They're teaching the same thing, they're just teaching it in a spiritual manner where people can't understand, because true truth comes from spiritual revelation, it comes from within.

Speaker 1:

And most of us in this world now we're looking around, we're looking at the sky, we're looking at whatever it is, trying to find divinity, when divinity is already within us. But we've been bowed beat since the day we were born that we're useless, that we're sinners, that we're dirty, that we, and that there's nothing good within us. It's an absolute tainted lie. There is good in us. We just have to find it. We have to be willing to look within ourselves. We have to be willing to see even the bad within us and then work through that bad. We have to be open enough and courageous enough to know that and to work through those bad things within us, and that's how we become a better person To be open, to understanding what peace is, what mutual respect is Our modern day.

Speaker 1:

Young people are tired, and I know most of us, even older, we're tired too, but the young are just absolutely sick to death of hate and bigotry, division and just outright stupidity when it comes to the way we deal with politics, how we deal with laws and how we fight each other about things that are ignorant, yet we talk about freedom, or ignorant, yet we talk about freedom. Well, at the same time, many of us are doing everything in our power to restrict other people's freedom, as we're preaching freedom If we just focused on ourselves and our own well-being, and our own well-being and our own spiritual paths, and then we work together as humanity For the other things Education, infrastructure, the future, that we can be different and we can believe different, and yet we still can live together in peace if we can respect each other's differences. You get people well. I cannot accept that about that religion, and you know what you don't need to. What you need to do is respect their right to believe in just that and to be able to live it without persecution, just like you want. The Muslim has their right to live as they choose. The Christian has the right to live as they choose. The Hindu and the Buddhist and whoever else that may be out there, or no religion at all. If you want to just live your life with no religion at all, then you have the right to do so and to be at peace, not to have, not to be constantly hounded or have religion forced down your throat, or to see some type of religion on every corner of every block in every town, to have it on your television set every night and hear it on the radio every day.

Speaker 1:

Mutual respect goes both ways. It goes many ways, actually. Mutual respect means you allow people to be themselves. It means that you allow them to grow as they need to grow and as they choose to grow, and you do the same. And the only things that we work together on is society. It's simple. World peace is so simple.

Speaker 1:

Many of us we don't know how to do it unless we're all the same. But we can't agree on this and we can't agree on that. We don't have to agree on everything in order to accomplish big things. You can have a whole team of multiple religions, no religions and multiple traditions, and together they can build and build and build, and all of their differences never make a difference in what they have created. What changes things is within us, the things that are tangled up within us because of the way we've been taught, and the things that we get through propaganda. They teach hate, they teach division, and they do these things to keep us separated. So we don't empower each other, so we don't wake up one day. And why are we fighting each other?

Speaker 1:

Think what we could do together. Think what we could do if we just laid down the need to call this land ours, the need to have a certain flag or a certain name or a certain, that the world belonged to the people period and all land belonged to the people, that certain traditions and certain cultures were based, if I can say this right, within certain areas, certain countries, but yet people were still free to go and explore and to seek and to. If we could do that in a mutual respect, because so many of us I've seen it, just like many Christians in the United States they feel that it's acceptable to go to other countries that hold different religions and they'll go under the radar and try to push their religion upon another society. And then they want to complain when bad things happen to them and they don't seem to grasp the concept of the disrespect that you gave to that country, the disrespect that you gave to that country, the disrespect that you gave to that culture, the disrespect that you gave to their God or their gods, because you felt that you were superior, that your so-called truth was the only truth and everybody else is wrong and you have to do what you have to do. We've got to let those things go. If your God chooses to convert the people overseas or in other countries, then let that God do so, not you. You focus on you. You focus on your family. Leave the spiritual things at home, unless you're asked.

Speaker 1:

Work with humanity, work with each other for peace, prosperity and happiness. We can do this together if we can lay down the ignorance, the hate that we've been taught. This together. If we can lay down the ignorance, the hate that we've been taught, we can see places like Palestine being empowered and taking back what is theirs. That we can maybe bring peace to Israel and Palestine and to other places within this world that are having some of the same issues Russia and the Ukraine. That we can find ways, diplomatic ways, without murdering and slaughtering, because every child had a mother. Every mother's child dies in these wars that do not have to be Wars come from a lack of compromise, a lack of wisdom and a lack of wanting peace.

Speaker 1:

It's not about money, it's not about land, it's not about anything else. You're going to say well, you're a're a dreamer. Yes, I am a dreamer and I hope you are one too, but together we can turn that dream into reality. It can be done if you simply choose to do so. Choose mutual respect, choose love, choose coexistence and humanity rather than money, greed and selfishness. Arrogance Thank you, arrogance. Thank you everybody. Thank you for tuning in to the Pagan Preacher. Thank you for listening. I am Richard Ravenbrook no-transcript.

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