Leaving Religion

Bridging Divides with Empathy: The Transformative Power of Spirituality and Inner Peace

Richard Ravenbrook Season 5 Episode 8

Amid a world fragmented by conflicting beliefs and ideologies, have we lost sight of the unifying potential of spirituality? Join us as we explore this delicate interplay, tackling the age-old conundrum of faith's power to both heal and divide. Our latest episode is a sanctuary for those looking to understand how empathy and spiritual connection can bridge the gaps carved by extremism and indoctrination. We confront the harsh realities faced by the Palestinian people and dissect global tumults, revealing the underlying quests for power that fuel them, rather than the often-cited religious hatred.

This soul-stirring journey isn't just about the macrocosms of conflict and peace—it's an invitation to introspect, to discover the tranquility that flourishes within each of us. Guests from diverse backgrounds share their wisdom, inspiring you to embrace a personal quest for peace through self-reflection and moral clarity. As we lay down weapons of division, we find that unity and understanding are within reach, pointing to a future where love is not just a potential but a practice. Listen and be uplifted, for the path to harmonious existence begins with the courage to seek it, and the willingness to share it.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome everyone. Welcome back to another episode at the Pagan Preacher. I hope everybody's had a good week. I know it's been a busy week. Spirit today wants to talk about some of the things that are going on in our world and how we can apply these things to our daily lives. We've got a lot of things going on around the world that some people agree with, some people disagree with. Without going into real politics or anything of that nature, who said she said anything else of that nature? What we want to talk about today is who we are as humanity, who we are as a people and where we have come. In all the years that we have known that we've existed.

Speaker 1:

Religion is still the biggest tool of division in our world. But is it really religion or is it the extremists within the religions? You know, religion in itself can be a good thing. It can help us. It can help us to live our life. It can help us to understand. It can help us. It can help us to live our life. It can help us to understand. It can help us to understand spiritual things and even physical things as it applies to our life.

Speaker 1:

But if we're not careful, we can use it a tool to exclude people, to eliminate people from the equation, you know, to kind of separate them, to put them in their own little space and others in their little space, causing divisions within the body of humanity. That are the reason that we don't have world peace today. You know world peace is very simple and it is despite what so many theologians, theologians and philophicers will say. I'm kind of getting tongue-tied, but you know it is simple and even right now I feel spirit trying to move into this conversation even deeper. So remember to go back through Into this conversation even deeper. So Remember to go back through, maybe listen to what Spirit says and try to get the deeper meanings Behind what is said in this podcast, because there's a lot to be said, a lot of people disagreeing and re-agreeing and whatever else.

Speaker 1:

But we have confusion, don't we? We have confusion all over the world, people backbiting and hurting each other, online, offline and everywhere. Just absolute chaos. And it's caused by false information, propaganda and evil forces that want to keep us separated. And those evil forces work within religion to the highest, because they tell us within certain religions that other religions are bad. And those people, people, those religions, you know we can't work together. In fact, some of the some religions even tell us to eliminate those people if needed.

Speaker 1:

You know, we have to understand that religions are the basis of spiritual encounters of other people, where people have written down their experiences and through those experiences collected, people create religion and then they try to take those experiences of other people and try to apply those experiences of what's happening to their particular life. And that doesn't always work, because we all have different paths, we all have different gifts within us and we all have different purposes. That's part of the problem with society anymore is we're not fulfilling our purposes. We're merely going to work, working a job solely to pay the bills, solely to live without living. You know, we have completely forgot who we are and forgot who or forgot what we are capable of, because so many religions want to tell us that we are nothing, that we are beneath, that we are lower than the low, that a savior, we are worthless, basically, and that is absolutely untrue. Our creator didn't create worthlessness and we do not suffer the sins of those in the past. You are a separate creation. You are an entity within itself and you have divinity within yourself and you are capable of everything that you would ever care to achieve if you only believed in what is within you and what you are indeed capable of.

Speaker 1:

Most of the confusions we have around the world are because of the experiences of others in the past. They've written down certain things. Most of the time those things have been very biased Because of their particular circumstance or situation. They wrote things in a biased manner, so that biasness is put into modern religion, even though that may not truly exist. But we create these things within the world because we believe these things, just as indoctrination of certain religious parties happens. We feed them so much information about a particular information or a religion or whatever else, and despite all the evidence and facts around them, they will believe that indoctrination and will fight to protect that indoctrination with their life. Even if it's not real, even if it's not true, it's a proven fact that people will do this, that once a person puts within their heart that this is fact, this is truth and this is what I will live by. No matter how much truth you present to them without spiritual intervention, they are lost to the truth. That's why indoctrination is so dangerous. That's why religion in itself can be so dangerous. That's why indoctrination is so dangerous. That's why religion in itself can be so dangerous. That's why spirituality is free. Spirituality allows you to search. It allows you to search spirit without those religious labels, and it also creates far less confusion in this world.

Speaker 1:

Someone asked me the other day how do we, how do we judge between right and wrong, how do we judge between good and evil? You know, my response was wisdom and understanding. Wisdom comes from spirit as it comes from experience, but understanding is something much deeper. Understanding is feeling what others feel in their circumstance, without emotion, that we can unbiasedly pull ourselves out of where we are and can feel for other people. We understand their situation. We understand the things that are happening are not always the cause of one people or one problem, but many problems and several people. We know that we have evil upon this earth that seeks to divide us and seeks to remove us all of the power that we have and to utilize that power for themselves. That's why we have what we have in this world now. That's why each and every one of us have to give up every day and go to work just to put food on your table, to put clothes on your children's back. We are forced to do this because if we don't, we go without everything, because if we don't we go without everything, we have put ourselves into another slave state.

Speaker 1:

And it all comes down to the core that we forgot who we are as a people. We forgot who we are within us. We forgot that the kingdom of God is within us. We forgot even the teachers within Hindu and Buddhist of looking in within ourselves. Even the Egyptians believed that if we knew who we are, if we could look within ourselves and truly know who we are, the things that we would be capable of were astonishing. If we could look within ourselves and truly know who we are, the things that we would be capable of were astonishing. But they want to keep you from understanding, they want to keep you from looking within, and they want to keep you looking, without Telling you, to look to the heavens and look to other places to find divinity. And don't get me wrong there are those within this guy that call themselves gods, but they are not gods. They are something entirely different. And we're not even going to go into that category, because what we're talking about is this divinity within ourselves and the real creator, the real God of creation, because there's a difference and to enlighten the people, to awaken the people to who they are and how to fix all these problems around us.

Speaker 1:

We have to understand the truth for what it is. Many people aren't ready for the truth. Many people the truth scares them. Sometimes it's just the fact that we don't want to know the truth because we might be humiliated or ashamed that you know we call certain things ridiculous and just flat out crazy. But they weren't crazy at all, they were real.

Speaker 1:

You know the book of Enoch out of the Bible was removed and I've said this many times before. The book of Enoch talked about fallen angels. It talked about encounters with other beings, things of that nature, and the Bible also says Enoch was a man that walked with God. There are many things with Enoch. That point. How do I want to say this? That they removed it from the Bible because they didn't want you to understand the facts, the truth. They want, they don't want you to understand certain things that might help you get out of the religious box. And I hope I'm saying this clear enough and I understand and remember that if you ever have any questions, that you can message me at any time, call any time and we can talk on the telephone, if that's what you choose.

Speaker 1:

But this division, this chaos that is around us, you know, we look upon the Palestinian people right now and the things that are going on in Gaza and Arafat and all these different things. We've got people that are on Israel's side. We've got people that are on Palestinian people's side. We've got just all kinds of propaganda coming from all different kinds of directions. But why? Why can we not all come together? Why is it that we fight over land? Why is it that we fight over property and resources, when, if we all shared this world and shared its resources together, there would be no more wars, there would be no more famines, there would be no more unnecessary death? You know, all of us, all we want in this life is to live, isn't it? And we want to live according to what we believe within ourself. I'm not talking about just religion. I'm talking about how each of us believe. We want to be able to live that freely, without that persecution.

Speaker 1:

Israel feels that it owns this land because of a book many, many years ago, written by a supposed author of their own face, that it was theirs. But we also know that biblical reference is in no way can be a legal document or validation for proof, because it was written by men and though, yes, it could have been inspired by spirit inspired by God, just like this podcast is that does not mean that God, the Creator, god, did just what they said, but it was man's emotion of what was happening at that particular time, for the people in this land was being taken from them, they were being persecuted and they were being conquered, and it was written this way to give comfort to the people that were around them. But some of us can put forth a self-fulfilled prophecy. You know and I also believe that nothing that is done hasn't already been done that some of us have been through this routine over and over and over, whether you believe reincarnation or if you believe in just this cycle that continuously turns like a wheel, and we continue to do this until we finally do it right, until humanity finally evolves enough to the point to where it understands, and has enough wisdom to understand that we don't have to be different. You know, at one time we were all one people. Supposedly, we were all unified in a way that we could do anything together. Right and external forces saw that and was afraid of that and sought to divide us and separate us, not only in land but in language, and tries to stop us from coming together once again to achieve the things that we can achieve. That is not the Creator God that did that, but the Creator God is still alive and well and trying to speak to the people, because all that is needed is for us to wake up. All that is needed is for you to look within yourself and know who you are and to know the authority that's within you, know the things that you can change simply by thinking it, knowing it, believing it and walking it.

Speaker 1:

The palestinian people deserve to be free. They deserve to live the way they choose and they deserve the land that they are on. Nobody's ever going to tell me that they don't deserve that land because it was somebody else's 3,000 years ago. If you were born there and your parents were born there and their parents were born there and their parents were born there, you are a citizen of that land period. But these wars have been going back and forth Russia and the Ukraine and just all over the world and if we look, if we truly look at the truth, it has nothing to do with people just hating each other, but it has. It's all about power and resources and dominance that the people that are in higher positions within this world seek to remain in those positions, and they know, in order to do that, they have to accomplish certain things, and they use humanity as pawns on a chessboard certain things, and they use humanity as pawns on a chessboard. They use religion to control the masses, to give them reason for war, to give them reason to hate and to give them excuse for division.

Speaker 1:

Why can't we as a people simply come together and understand that, just like your Bible says that you need no man to teach you, for Spirit will teach you all things, can you hear that within your heart that Spirit will teach you all things? But you have to be open to spirit. Now I'm not talking about giving your life over to Jesus or or whatever else, or whatever ticket, religion or faith or practice you are, but I'm talking about the spirit within you. When you begin to listen to your inner self, listen to your conscious, listen to the things that are happening around you, when you feel certain things and you see certain things and begin to relate certain things, understand that that is spirit talking to you, moving within you trying to show you the truth that you already know. You just don't realize. You know, but the information, the power, everything is already within you. Most of us in this world, we walk around like empty containers because we don't even know who we are. You don't even know the power that's within you Empty containers, walking around like robots, completely unaware of who they are and what they are and the divinity within themselves.

Speaker 1:

Religion is the key, the key element in all of this suffering and all of this pain and anguish throughout this world, when we can lay down our dogma and our doctrine and simply lift up humanity and love people. You know, even your Bible says God is love, god is love. So why do we see so much love devastating an entire people? Why do we see genocide? Why do we see people starving to death? Why churches grow and grow and grow and grow? Billion dollar churches and billion dollar temples throughout this world, even billion dollar muslim temples, christian churches and all these other different religions? We spend so much money on religion, religion, religion, and we've all lost religion, religion, religion, and we've all lost the heart of what it's all about in the first place Loving creation, taking care of Mother Earth and working together for a greater cause than just our own particular wants and desires and that of our individual countries.

Speaker 1:

What if we all just came together and worked as one? Think of the things that we would accomplish. We would have free, clean energy, there would be no starvation, there would be no homelessness. Everyone in this world would have purpose. Everyone in this world would have a smile on their face because I beginning to understand the things, the way things were meant to be in the first place, before we handed over our lives to evil forces for certain luxuries within this world. Sometimes it's maybe it's back to go back to the old ways, you know, back to the old ways where even communities helped each other. They didn't have to go to the local church Because everybody would just help each other. Period didn't have to go to the local church because everybody would just help each other. Period Neighbor helped neighbor. If they seen somebody in their community that was going hungry, then they gathered together and they fed them. If somebody in the community had a bad roof on their home and couldn't afford it, they would come together and fix that person's roof and they wouldn't ask for anything in return other than the fact that if somebody else had a need that they would help in that need too.

Speaker 1:

We as a world can come together in a way that this financial system that we have today. It's totally unnecessary and completely, completely the wrong way to go in our society. But it takes courage, it takes a brave soul not only to say that you want change, but to help make that change. I'm saying that we can live in a world without money. We can live in a world that is unified in the common interest. We can live in a world that lives on mutual respect of differences, that we can respect each other and we can respect each other's right to choose. And we can respect each other and we can respect each other's right to choose. And we can live together and empower society to be all that it truly, truly can be Religion.

Speaker 1:

Even here in the United States, we have a church system that all calls themselves Christians, but there are dozens of different denominations. How, I ask you, does spirit divide themselves into many pieces? Spirit doesn't divide the truth. The truth is one. The fact that there are many different denominations within the Christian church in this country shows that there is inconsistencies, mistranslations and confusion, because you have people that are trying to take their own, each individual personal lives and apply it to that religion and apply it to religion. You can only apply it to yourself. Your path is your path and your neighbor's path is your neighbor's path. Whether you both classify yourself under the same religious label or not, your path will be different. Your thoughts and concerns and wants will be different, because your purpose is different.

Speaker 1:

We want to bring about world peace. We need to do simply like your Bible says Don't worry about the stick or whatever else in your brother's eye. Focus on the one that's within yours. Now, I know that's not exact, but you understand what I mean. We need to look within the mirror. Look at yourself rather than look at your neighbor. Focus on your own path and we can find peace With our neighbor. We merely work together for community. If someone asks you your opinion on certain things, you offer it, but you offer it in love, not judgment. If we don't judge, we don't condemn, we don't ridicule. We allow each person to be that person as long as it's not hurting people unwillingly. Allow people to be people.

Speaker 1:

Peace is possible, but we have to get rid of the confusion, the easiest way to get rid of that confusion and the easiest way to get rid of that confusion is to lay the religion down and simply walk in spirituality. Spirituality, god is spirit. The kingdom of God is within you. Spirit, all these religions. Buddha it's all about looking within you. Hindu and the mantras everything is about looking within us. Yoga, the chakras, everything within us.

Speaker 1:

Look within yourself, within yourself.

Speaker 1:

Listen to that voice that's within you. Don't be afraid to walk with it, to judge it within yourself. You're not judging others. You're judging what you're feeling, judging what you're listening to within yourself, whether it be good or bad, right or wrong, because you will know if you truly take the time to listen and to focus on it. You'll know whether it's right or wrong, good or bad, and the next step is to act on it. If you feel that it's bad, don't do it. If you feel that it needs to be done and it's good, but you're scared, still do it. World peace is possible, but it starts with you and it starts with me, and it starts with laying down the things that have divided us this confusion, this chaos, this anger, this wrath, all caused by things that were completely unnecessary and flat out stupid. We can come together, bring peace to Palestine, bring peace to the world. Sit down, compromise in ways that you can Lay down the weapons of war and you might find. Peace is only beyond that door. Be blessed everybody and blessed be.

Speaker 2:

Thank you no-transcript.

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