Leaving Religion

Journey to Spiritual Awakening Beyond Traditional Doctrine

Richard Ravenbrook Season 5 Episode 9

What if everything you thought you knew about divine guidance was wrong? This episode promises to transform your understanding of spirituality as we challenge conventional religious doctrines and explore the profound teachings of Yeshua (Jesus). We dive into the intricate process of deconstructing the mainstream religious indoctrinations many of us have grown up with and highlight the significance of emptying your vessel of preconceived beliefs. By focusing on the notion that the kingdom of God resides within us, we emphasize the importance of personal spiritual enlightenment over traditional religious texts, urging a deeper connection to all living things.

Join us on a courageous journey of spiritual self-discovery and enlightenment. We dissect the flaws in conventional religious institutions and discuss the transformative power of genuine spiritual encounters. This episode encourages the unlearning of indoctrinated beliefs and emphasizes finding one's unique path to spiritual understanding. With a focus on loving others unconditionally and embracing the spirit within, we invite you to explore the deeper truths that mainstream religion often overlooks. Finally, we share valuable resources like the Pagan Preacher podcast and YouTube channel to support your ongoing spiritual journey, urging listeners to share and support our mission to uncover true knowledge and enlightenment.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome everyone. Welcome back to another episode of the Pagan Preacher. I am Richard Ravenbrook. Today, what we want to talk about is deconstructing Deconstructing from mainstream religions.

Speaker 1:

Most of the people that are listening to my podcast are spiritual people. They're spiritual people that have been traumatized. They're people that have been misled, lied to, deceived, have been tricked or have even been led down paths that were walked with good intention but led to the wrong places. Led to places that just shouldn't have been. And I know this subject is touching and finding the right words, the proper words, to explain things sometimes can be difficult. To explain things sometimes can be difficult Because when you're trying to explain to somebody what you are doing in deconstructing for mainstream religion, many people will say that and phrases, and you know that it creates even a higher amount of religious trauma when all you're trying to do is look within yourself to find that truth and to seek spirit for yourself.

Speaker 1:

But where do we start with deconstructing? Number one when we begin deconstruction, we have already came to the conclusion that we need change, that what we have had or what we think we have learned is flawed, that we need something else. And in order to gain something else, to learn something else. We need to empty the vessel of what we now currently believe or have believed, and that's not always easy. Indoctrination can be one of the hardest things in this lifetime to conquer, because we are led to believe certain things by our parents, our grandparents, our teachers, the preachers, pastors, people we trusted, and we have to somehow get past the idea that these things that we were taught were wrong, that though they were taught in good intention, because they themselves believed these things to be true, in fact they were not true. And when someone truly begins to seek truth, it is most definitely a difficult experience. One of the first things I did, even at a very young age, was I asked Spirit. I said, above all things, I just want truth, and you feel within yourself that are you sure that's what you want? Truth, because truth will drive you away from everything that you know. It'll separate you from families. It'll separate you from families, it'll separate you from friends, because truth will find you on a very narrow pathway, a very narrow and rocky road, but it definitely leads to a place of wisdom, higher knowledge, enlightenment, and where you yourself have the answers that you need. But when you start deconstructing, understand. This journey is not easy. It's not only hard within yourself, but it's hard physically in this world because of the ramifications of what you're doing. Because you dare to be different, you dare to question the mainstream, the normal, you dare to question those within supposed authority positions when actually what you do is only seek truth.

Speaker 1:

Truth begins within you Because, even as a Christian deconstructing, we understand that the Bible says that the kingdom of God is within us, that God is spirit. And when else would a king reside then? Within the kingdom. Within us is the kingdom of spirit. Therein lies the answers that you and I seek. In order to find those answers and be able to hear those answers, we have to empty the vessel of all the things that we've been programmed to believe. Some people will tell you that all there is is the bible. People will tell you that all there is is the Bible, that there is no other written instruction. I'm here to tell you there is. But they'll also tell you that the only voice of God you will ever hear is within those 66 books. And I'm here to tell you that is not true. The voice of God is within you and you can hear on a daily basis, on an hourly basis, on a minutely basis, the instruction and the guidance of spirit in everything that you do within you.

Speaker 1:

So many churches, so many religions want to focus on what is outside. They want you to worship something that is outwardly, when even Jesus himself said to look within you, when he was talking to the Pharisees and he said the kingdom of God is within you. Why are you talking about all these other places and telling people to search other? He also said doesn't your own scripture say know ye not that ye are gods, that you claim to be the children of God but yet you don't consider yourself of God? Contemplate those things, because when you begin to reach and when you begin to truly deconstruct from this mainstream religion, you will awaken to a whole new self. You will find that you no longer fit into the normal around you. You will find that certain senses begin to rise up, become more empowered, more enlightened. Everything from the noises and the sounds within the woods, the forest, to even a normal house cat walking through the house, these little bitty things that some people would just laugh at. But you will notice differences, you will notice connections between you and all life, because in God, in Spirit, all things have Spirit. And when you begin to look within yourself and you begin to be open to yourself and listening to what is within you, you begin to see the Spirit in all things, spirit, the life force that's within all living things, the thing that connects us all together, that, though we be different, though we be different species and mindsets and sense of reasoning, we still are all connected.

Speaker 1:

When you're deconstructing, everything changes, you're gonna say well, you've, you're going against the Bible or you're going against what God says. And, like the first thing I do like to point out to people that are deconstructing, number one, you believe Jesus was the Christ and, as a Christian, you are supposed to be followers of said Christ. But a majority of people within the Christian religion follow after disciples rather than Jesus or what the true name is, yeshua. They follow after disciples and the first thing you do when you begin to deconstruct is you. You don't ignore the words of disciples, because they are good for teaching, good for instruction, but we follow not disciples, but you follow the words of Yeshua that you set aside, those words that Paul said, and Peter, though you take these things with a grain of salt and you apply them in a way that is, with measure, but not how do you want to say this? That you don't weigh your whole life upon the words of disciples but of Yeshua? And then, in order to do so, you have to truly know the life of Yeshua Jesus when you begin to deconstruct.

Speaker 1:

And people won't, because even the Pharisees came against Jesus. Remember, even the Pharisees says that he was a child of the devil, that he was a heretic, because he was going against the things that were against Judaism, against the Jews, but yet he was a Jew. They didn't quite understand the things that he was teaching, because he was trying to teach the reasoning behind laws rather than just teach the law, trying to teach people why those laws were put there in the first place and to understand the depth and reasoning behind them. And they couldn't quite grasp it, the depth and reasoning behind them. And they couldn't quite grasp it because so many of us, when they're running after disciples and running after laws and rules and all these things that are supposed to be the foundation of religion, it took away entire spirituality from everything and everybody. Jesus taught many different things. He learned many different things.

Speaker 1:

Unfortunately, the 66 books within the Bible only talk about three years of the most important man in Christianity. But there is far more out there to learn. You know the people that actually understand know that. You know Jesus. When he was 12, he left and went to Egypt. He went to various different places that I'm not going to go into and, yes, there is evidence of these things. It's not within the 66 books of the Bible because they didn't want to put the things in there, just like they removed certain things like the book of Enoch. The 66 books of the Bible were put together can to control a people, to give somewhat some knowledge, but not all knowledge, to keep people in line and under authority.

Speaker 1:

But when you begin to learn true spirituality, when you begin to truly deconstruct from that mainstream religion, you begin to look at the true person. You can say, well, how can you be a Christian and not go to church? How can you be a Christian and not believe in all these other things within the Bible? Because, as a true Christian, you truly are beginning to understand that you want to follow after Yeshua, not disciples, not a four-wall building, that you understand that true spirituality, true God, is far more. When you begin to look into other religions and other traditions, as I have had the pleasure and the honor to walk down when I have walked with my pagan friends and I have walked with people within the magical arts and practices and I've sat with them and discussed spiritual matters with them and I have witnessed things with them and you begin to see the true God, the true God, the power, the energy behind all things, the elements of this world, of this earth and of us, and how things are intertwined, interconnected and woven together.

Speaker 1:

The church would tell you some of these things are evil and you stay away from them. And they tell you those things so you don't learn. I'm not saying some things can't be dangerous, because they can be. And this is why it's vitally important that you always look and listen to within you, understanding, listening I guess that's the the still see if you're using more than just your eyes, your senses, listen to the things around you. What is the voice within you saying? Is it saying to wait? Is it saying to move forward? Is it telling you to listen more? Is it telling you to back up? You listen and you learn. You will make mistakes, but you'll get back up and you'll keep going.

Speaker 1:

Just like with any journey, you will learn these things and you will begin to see that magic and miracles are all the same thing. They all come from the same place within us. Even in the magical arts, we learn that tools and items used within magical practices don't hold the power, but the power is held within us, just like evil. Evil is what is manifested through our own hearts. If everyone in this world decided one day that they would no longer do evil, evil would not exist. In order for evil to exist, we have to manifest it, we have to choose to commit such evil, whether it be condemnation, judgment, harm, whatever it may be. We initiate it, we manifest it and we can stop it. But vice versa, we can also do positive things. We can increase the beautiful things in our life. We can empower ourselves and our families. We can offer true wisdom and true education, true enlightenment, not just indoctrination.

Speaker 1:

When people start telling you that you have left God, tell them no, I have found God. When they tell you that you walked away from the church, tell them no, you merely walked away from a social organization that knew nothing of God. They thought they did, but they truly didn't, and that you would educate them. But honestly, unless spirit were to open their heart, they won't hear you, they won't even take the time to listen to you because Spirit hasn't opened their heart enough, like Spirit has you. You are here now and you listen. Some of you have even subscribed to the YouTube channel. They've subscribed to different podcasts on Spotify things of that nature. They've subscribed to different podcasts on Spotify things of that nature. Some of you are even begin to donate small amounts that help pay for at least the podcast, and those things are a blessing.

Speaker 1:

But when you begin to do the things on your own, and you begin to able the things on your own, and you begin to be able to teach on your own, when spirit begins to move so much within you that you begin to teach things that aren't taught in church, things like how do I hear God? How do I know that this is God? How do I find God? What happens when I die? How can I make my life better? So many things you can ask within religious institutions and the only thing they can do is try to point you to a name, but they can't give you precise instructions of how to do it. But you will be able to. You will find that way when you begin to look within yourself in this deconstructed, and I hope I'm trying to make sense with this, because sometimes spirit gets overwhelming when there's so much, there's so much to say and there's so much you know, you get excited Because there is something to be excited about. And even when these negative things come at you and they will, because when you begin to truly find God, you will find yourself losing certain friends and even certain family, because they will consider you you know somebody that's just walked away and abandoned their faith, abandoned what they were taught. And you have to be determined, you have to be brave, you have to be determined, you have to be brave, you have to walk with courage and understand that what you're doing is good and it is right. You try to teach when you can, but more than anything, you just simply love people until they're ready.

Speaker 1:

Deconst, deconstructing for mainstream religion is not easy, because our brains and our hearts have been indoctrinated to the point that we have to unlearn. And sometimes spirit has to break us in order for us to relearn, has to show us the things that were wrong in our life, wrong with the religion, and has to do so by allowing certain things in our life that bring us suffering and pain. We see the flaws within a church. We see the flaws within a preacher, our life that bring us suffering and pain. We see the flaws within a church. We see the flaws within a preacher. We see whatever it may be. And we're shown these things for four specific reasons Not to judge or criticize or condemn, but to point out within us what is right and what is wrong. That way we can judge from that and go the proper direction.

Speaker 1:

Note that during all of this time that we're learning, we don't condemn anybody, we don't judge anybody, because all of us, as I've said before, on this path. We're all on a different part of this path, but we're all on the same journey. Some of us will excel higher, some of us will excel faster. I believe all of us, in time, will excel to where we're supposed to be. Sadly, there's many people within the church just don't want to excel and what we need to do is try to manifest that want, to manifest that interest in that courage to to want more. Does that make any sense?

Speaker 1:

We've got so many people that have gone to church their whole life and sat in a pew thinking that they were doing what was right, what was good and they learned absolutely nothing of God at all. What they learned was religion. What they learned was religion. What they learned was religious dogma doctrine, but they never had a true spiritual encounter or spiritual connection in their life. They've never seen with more than their eyes. They've never seen with more than their eyes. They've never seen spirit in an animal, spirit in a plant life. You can't see these things, you can't acknowledge these things, unless you have connected to spirit. What you see in this world will be nothing more than what your eyes can see, and that's the problem with most people in the world right now. That's how they have the ability to destroy everything around them without even acknowledging what they're doing, because they have no connection. They don't even understand what they do. They don't understand what they're doing and why it's wrong that they're doing it. When you begin to deconstruct, your whole life will change.

Speaker 1:

When I say God, I take that from Scripture. It says God is spirit. We all know that the spiritual realm is around us. It's around us all the time. There are spirits everywhere, this energy force that creates the life within all of us that when spirit leaves this body, it is nothing but dead flesh, but spirit is real, alive alive in a different manner, yes, but alive regardless and is around you, helps you, guides you when you need it, but but you have to be able and willing to listen. God is spirit. God is within you, because the kingdom of God is within you. When you begin to pray, understand that, no, you're not praying to yourself, you are praying to spirit, the spiritual realm around you. You are manifesting, you are creating, you are empowering, you are divinity within yourself. You will understand what I'm saying, given time. Thank you everybody. I hope this short lesson, this short inspiration of spirit, I hope, has touched somebody out there.

Speaker 1:

You know, most of these podcasts are designed for deconstructing and helping people that are deconstructing and helping them empower themselves with true knowledge, true esoteric enlightenment, true on a true path. I urge everyone to share the podcast. Share some of the videos that you find on the Pagan Preacher on YouTube. Subscribe to different podcasts, tell friends and family. If you feel like all you can do is help with funding the podcast itself, because these things are not free, then please do so. That would be a blessing. But, more than anything, share the message. Share the message of what's going on, that you can wake up to the real truth. You can find that truth within you, that burning that's within you, that you know there's something more out there, that you know that you're not satisfied in the church, that you're not content with the spirituality you now have, that there's just something missing. Because there is something missing, I'd like to welcome you to walk with me on this journey. Walk with me, learn with no-transcript.

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