Leaving Religion

Rediscovering Inner Peace: Transcending Traditional Religion for a Holistic Spiritual Journey

Richard Ravenbrook Season 5 Episode 10

Is modern-day corporate Christianity more chaotic than enlightening? This episode challenges conventional religious wisdom and advocates for a spiritual journey that transcends institutional confines. We speak about the chaos within countless denominations and doctrines, emphasizing the need for a spirituality that originates from the spirit itself. By reconnecting with nature and life around us, we find revelations that offer profound insight beyond traditional teachings. The episode encourages listeners to seek guidance that sparks an internal awakening, fostering a more holistic and intuitive spiritual path.

Join us as we deconstruct mainstream Christian teachings and highlight the kingdom of God within us. We explore the significance of varied spiritual traditions and the importance of breaking away from societal pressures. Through meditation, quiet reflection, and tools like crystals and music, we aim to enhance spiritual connection and personal growth. Our discussion underscores the value of love, kindness, and understanding in interactions with those of different beliefs. Ultimately, this episode is a call to rediscover your true spiritual essence, challenging the notion of simply being vessels in the physical world, and finding peace and purpose beyond the mundane.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome everyone. Welcome back to another episode, getting back to where we were last week, talking about deconstructing. But it's walking away from man-made religion, man-made temples, man-made churches, man-made theories. It's walking away from the chaos, the turmoil and the confusion that we see in modern-day corporate religion. We see it in the Christian churches everywhere Hundreds of different denominations, all calling themselves the same thing Christian but teaching different doctrines, different, different practices, arguing on social media, arguing in places that just never should see these things. But seeing all of this, finding peace, is why we deconstruct. Finding completion, finding that space that makes us feel complete and full, that we seek spirituality from spirit, not from man's confusion and man's viewpoint. Because we can see when we look out what mankind has done with truth, all of these different theories and practices.

Speaker 1:

It's a. It's a theological madness. Everyone's screaming that they know the truth and they have. Everyone's screaming that they know the truth and they have. And the very idea, the very fact that there are so many different practices, so many different religions, you know it, leads to the evidence that they don't. That man religion, man's made religion, is so flawed that we can't even decide for ourselves what is true. Christians can't even decide for themselves what they're going to believe. If someone argues or finds difference in theology than another Christian, they began another church Rather than trying to find the truth of the matter, if that truth truly even matters. Or is it something that's so minute, so simple that it truly has no place even being argued about?

Speaker 1:

But we deconstruct. That's what we're doing. We are striving for peace, we're striving for truth, and we know that we can't find it in the mainstream, we can't find it in modern day church, can't find it in just day church, can't find it in Just modern day religion Period. You know whether it had truth Many years ago or If it's been tainted Ever since man got his hand on it. You know. That's the the question that why would the divine have a truth, have that truth available for everyone, but then be so much chaos, so much confusion, when all it would take Is one divine encounter with the world and there'd be no question left? The answer to that Is because, not that the things within religion are all wrong, but that we have it wrong in perspective. We have tried to create something that doesn't exist, we have tried to eliminate the things that are needed and we have missed the mark, missed the purpose, missed the whole idea of what spirituality is even about. We've lost touch with our connection with life, with the earth. We've lost connection with all the things that live and breathe around us, that show us divinity, show us truth, show us even the meaning of life.

Speaker 1:

Not in words, because when Spirit speaks it's not Not in words, because when Spirit speaks it's not always in words Very seldom is it in words but it is in revelation, epiphany, an instant recollection. Recollection of truth. It's like seeing something and just instantly knowing everything that you need to know about that entire subject in a matter of a second. And the vision was so simple. It was the scenery of a forest and a gentle brook going through it, a fawn, a baby fawn just walking through taking a drink out of the brook. You could hear the birds singing in the trees, the brook. You could hear the birds singing in the trees and the wind just gently blowing through the leaves, where you could hear earth herself breathing. You could see and feel the joy of the Creator in all of this and you can see the purpose of what life is about, life in this experience.

Speaker 1:

But we can't do those things with man-made religion. We can't feel that Now many people are going to say well, I feel the Spirit all the time in church. It's not the same. And, trust me, I'm not saying that you can't find divinity, that you can't find the Creator of all things. You can't find it in a four-wall building because you probably can, you can. You can't find it in a four wall building because you probably can, you can. But it doesn't mean you can't find it outside of that either.

Speaker 1:

And sometimes, when deconstructing, sometimes the chaos of all the people trying to tell you what is right, what is wrong, what you need to do and what you should stay away from, sometimes that is more of a hindrance on your path than what is right, what is wrong, what you need to do and what you should stay away from. Sometimes that is more of a hindrance on your path than just trying to listen to spirit, because a good teacher doesn't necessarily teach you anything, but rather guides you to the teaching, if that makes any sense. Because a true teaching is something that awakens the soul, awakens within us Not just a mental recollection and remembrance of something, but something that is sparked within us. That's a teacher, a teacher that moves souls, changes souls, spirits.

Speaker 1:

When deconstructing, you know I don't care what your religion are are or what your religion is. Sorry, I say pagan as an umbrella term, and under pagan there are many different traditions. Some would even say that they are not pagan, but they are listed basically under that, regardless, because they are outside of the Christian faith, outside of the Aaronic faith. All of those are considered, at least in my opinion, under the umbrella term of paganism, because most of them, including Hindu and everything else, usually manifest more than one God, speak of more than one God. They consider God as and God and though you may not understand that yet, give it time, you will, and these podcasts are going to move forward into those things.

Speaker 1:

I know that we have been talking a lot about world events and things of that nature and trying to find world peace and trying to but spirits finally, finally said that you know you've done. You've done what you can do. Now it's time to make the people ready, help the people find the peace, help people find that truth that is within them, to find the I am within all of us, that which you were before you were born into this earth, because do you realize that you existed before this physical, this physical experience, and that you will continue to exist even after this physical experience is over. Finding that I am, that's within you, is the key to unlocking those truths. In deconstructing, you have to understand that it isn't that you deny the existence of a God, but that you believe that the books, the stories and the perceptions of what has been taught have been incorrect, wrong and mistranslated, and some occasions purposely. But you can still find that you still believe that the man, yeshua, existed and that all these other people existed within the world Buddha and Copernicus and Pluto and all these different great minds all over the place. That we can look at these things, that we can look at these men and these women that have contributed, that looked within themselves and found their power, found their gifts and used them. Used them not to just benefit a man-raged religion, but to benefit the world, to benefit humanity, to benefit all of us.

Speaker 1:

Deconstructing is leaving the flawed and walking into the light, walking into the that which is not flawed. It doesn't mean you're not going to make mistakes, but it means that the teacher that's behind it, the essence of the teaching that is behind it, is not flawed, is never wrong, that if we Hear it correctly and we Follow it correctly. We follow it correctly that we will never go wrong. The goal is to learn to listen and learn to trust and learn to follow it. Obey the intuition that's within us. But we've been taught by so many religious leaders that don't listen to that Because you're going to be deceived. You have to just follow this book, or follow what that teacher over there said, or follow what that preacher or that mentor over there said. No, use the things that are around you, use the things that you've been taught as a guide, a blueprint, but never, ever, listen to the others.

Speaker 1:

When you feel the stirring of something within you, if something is telling you that you need to study something, that you need to go somewhere and learn something, or whether you need to leave something, then do it, trusting your own intuition, your own spiritual connection with all things. When, when you begin to doubt that and refuse to listen to it, that's when the failures come, that's when all the problems in life come, because we're all looking for this truth and we don't understand it. And they'll say well, richard, you said, if I just do this and I do that, then the truth will come and I'll understand it. And that is the truth. But there's something that we have to do in ourself, and sometimes, in deconstructing it's the hardest thing, because mainstream religion will tell you to ignore yourself and focus on something outwardly. When to find that truth, we must look within us and trust what we hear, trust what we see, and sometimes that can be hard when we've been bowed, beaten and brainwashed to believe that we can't trust ourselves, we can't trust our intuition. All we can do is trust in that book or trust in these leaders that are above us.

Speaker 1:

It's about determination and boldness within ourselves to say you know what? I'm going to trust this, I'm going to trust this, I'm going to follow this. I'm going to and I might make a mistake Because maybe you know, in learning to listen to our inner voice, especially during the initial stages of deconstruction, sometimes multiple voices can be heard, and I'm not speaking about audible voices, I'm just. You will understand the voices that are within us, the nudges, the instant epiphanies and revelations that happen within us. You know we will be able to discern the good and the bad. You know we will be able to discern the good and the bad.

Speaker 1:

We will discern what is right and what is wrong in time, and it's utmost important for us to remain in a state of connection and meditation and To, when we are looking towards spiritual things, that we maintain that connection with spirit, because there's a rough world out there, it's a mean world out there, and it's not mean because of the divine made it mean, or the creator of all things made it mean, but we, as humanity, have made it mean, made it cruel, because we have put too much of greed, selfishness, arrogance and pride, all of these things that we have put into these things, rather than taking and listening to spirit. Because, though, we are spirits having this physical experience, if we're not careful, our physical essence will override spirit, it will override things, and the flesh will want things that aren't good, not good for us, it's not good for society. We look around and that's exactly what we see. We see people that have been trained to focus on everything outwardly. They've been trained to believe that, in order to say that you have won in this world, that you have to have that great job and that big house and the nice car and the whole time. Nobody, not even the churches or any of the religious institutions, have taught us how to find ourselves, how to find the divinity within ourselves. They constantly point somewhere else, constantly tell you to pray to somewhere else, to something else, rather than looking within yourself. No, you're not praying to yourself, but you're understanding the connection between what is in you spirit and the connection of spirit that is without within this world. It's within everything. It's within the animals, the plant life, everything. And when you're praying, when you are verbally manifesting what it is that you are needing, at that time you are speaking to the universe, you are speaking to something that is alive everywhere, and I'm trying to speak within terms that anyone can understand. That what you phrase as God is, spirit, is energy, is everything that is without everything around you and within you. And when you can have, when you can find that connection and you are moving within that connection and you are manifesting within that connection, and you are manifesting within that connection by speaking positive words of affirmation and truth, then those changes in your life occur.

Speaker 1:

We have to understand and I've talked many times. You know when trying to get out of strictly, you know the christian teaching. But when of strictly, you know the Christian teaching. But when people are deconstructing they sometimes they need things within that book to give them some kind of foundation and I tell them, you know, even Jesus said the kingdom of God is within you, within you. The Pharisees didn't understand that either, because they were looking to God somewhere out in the sky. And that's not the God that we are talking about. You know, there's gods that are considered within this earth, that are lower case gods. You know they are the authority figures of this earth. But God, the Creator, god, the Great White Spirit, whatever it is that you want to label the universe itself, the universe itself, it is that that brings truth, brings peace, brings revelation. You know, sometimes, mankind, in our religions, we have tried to create all kinds of different fabrications of truth. Sometimes we can create self-propelled, self-profilled prophecy, and when deconstructing, we've got to leave all that behind. We can use some of what we have, and we will.

Speaker 1:

When you're doing, you're moving into a more of a, a pagan path, whatever particular path they may be, you know, whether it just be a hermetic path, whether it be more, you know Everything, from Norse, pagan to Wiccan, to so many different traditions that you can find within yourself. But this part, this phase of deconstructing, is you simply trying to break away from the mainstream, not feeling guilty for breaking away from the mainstream, not feeling guilty for breaking away from the mainstream, understanding that what you're doing is the right thing and a good thing, even when family and friends tell you that it's not the right thing. You'll have all kinds of people telling you all kinds of things and people won't want to listen to you, and that's okay. They don't need you, don't at this particular time. That's what you know.

Speaker 1:

Spirits trying to say this time is about you. It's not about you trying to teach anything, it's not about you trying to proclaim anything. This is about you, you in spirit, you in the universe becoming one, learning each other, becoming one again, remembering who you are and then, when you're ready and you'll know when you're ready, because I know sometimes when you start finding that truth, you're excited and you want to tell people about it and spirit universe will bring people to you, people that won't Try to deter you and won't hurt you. It also will create a boldness and a strength within you that, when those times come, that you have to Stay in your ground and try to educate and teach people. It's hard to teach people that believe that they have Everything they need and have the utmost utter truth because they believe in what they're doing, they believe that they are doing right, and it's truly hard to get through that wall unless there has been some type of spiritual intervention first. There has been some type of spiritual intervention first. It takes an act of kindness and mercy, it takes a very wise individual to look at someone that is offending you and telling you that you are wrong and that you have failed, and looking at them with love, understanding that they mean good intentions in what they're doing, and Spirit will let you know exactly what you can say, what you shouldn't say, what is the right things to do. Sometimes the right thing to do is nothing. Sometimes just walk away, smile and you know, doing all things in love, trying to remain in a spirit of love and kindness, because that's where we want to stay. I understand that we can't stay there all the time, but that's where we desire to stay when we find this place of utter connection, of spirit, when we find.

Speaker 1:

I guess it's important, before I close, that we talk about meditation, that we talk about those times of remember to take time, because it is very important for your spiritual walk after leaving the mainstream religion. Take some time and look at, look through different, various shops. Go to the New Age stores, go to the crystal stores, go to and just look, just walk through, see what catches your eye, but use these things to help you enter into that state of meditation. In that meditation you don't want to focus on anything particular. The idea of this meditation is the clearing of your mind.

Speaker 1:

I like to listen to music without words, a lot of Reiki music, just a lot of, just a lot of how do I say? I think you understand what I'm saying just a lot of meditation, music that helps you relax, helps you get out of the now, get out of the world. You need to find that quiet space. Try to devote at least 10 to 15 minutes per day and throughout the day. You need to find that quiet space. Try to devote at least 10 to 15 minutes per day and throughout the day, listen to that music again. Focus on maybe something that you learned in that 10 or 15 minutes. Focus on the visions, the pictures that you might receive during that 10-15 minutes. Sometimes you do hear an audible voice, sometimes spirit can speak that way, not through your ears, but you will understand when you are there. You will understand of what I'm saying. But, above all things, remember.

Speaker 1:

This is about finding you, not your flesh, not who you are in this world, but who you are, who you were before this world. You are deconstructing from everything man-made, you are separating yourself from this and entering into the spiritual, because you are a spiritual entity in a physical experience. In order to find that truth, to find that peace, you have to find yourself, find out what is important to you. Why are you here? Why do we come to this experience? It's not just to work a 9 to 5 job and pay bills and pay taxes. That's not why we're here.

Speaker 1:

Evil forces have turned it into that. Most people are just walking, empty vessels, empty containers, not even understanding who they are, just robots with a spiritual heartbeat that never, never wakes up. It's time to wake up, friend. It's time for you to wake up and know who you are. Friend, it's time for you to wake up and know who you are. Finish your walk, but deconstructing, be determined. Okay, this is what I'm doing. I am leaving that mainstream and I'm gonna find this. Whether it be these podcasts, whether it be a different teacher, maybe it be multiple teachers, remember the best thing the teacher within you is the best teacher, be blessed everybody and blessed be.

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