Leaving Religion

Beyond Complacency: Spiritual Call to Environmental Justice

The Pagan Preacher Season 6 Episode 3

What if our deepest spiritual teachings held the key to solving the ecological crisis? Today, we challenge not just your beliefs, but your very actions in our heartfelt plea for Mother Earth. We scrutinize the complacency that has led to rampant environmental destruction and invite you to seek deeper truths that may conflict with what you've always known. This episode isn't just a conversation; it's a call for proactive engagement, urging you to move from passive observation to active participation in safeguarding our planet from corporate and political malpractices.

Explore the urgent need for wisdom that transcends traditional education and stems from spiritual revelations. Understand the dire consequences of human greed and corporate interests on our environment, while discovering the power of collective resistance. Reflect on the inadequacy of merely voting in a corrupted political landscape, and ponder how your voice can contribute to meaningful change. Together, let's commit to tangible actions that ensure a thriving future for our planet and all its inhabitants.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome everyone. Welcome back to another episode of the Pagan Preacher, the Spiritual Journey. Today I want to title this podcast A Plea for Mother Earth. Though I've mentioned this many times, I've spoken of it many times, the Spirit just keeps laying on my heart very heavy. To speak more about it Because I think a majority of us out there aren't taking things seriously. We aren't looking at the things around us and realizing what is happening. Or we have some out there that see the things that are happening but seem okay with things because certain prophecies have said these things were gonna happen regardless. So there's nothing that we can do, and it's it grieves, the spirit, it grievesieves to see good people with good intentions not understanding, not having wisdom and simply just not connecting with the reality and truth around us.

Speaker 1:

It's easier to just simply believe in a religion rather than believing in what the foundation of the religion actually teaches. For instance, the man you call Jesus Christ. He didn't ask to be called Lord. He didn't ask to be called anything other than his name. He didn't ask for the things that we are doing, the things he told us to do most of us in our society don't even pay attention to, and today we have religions all over the world that are doing just that. But sometimes it's easier to just follow a religion and not actually study the foundations of such religion. We all wanna know, or should I say that you know? Christians want to know that they serve and follow the life of Jesus, and the Bible only speaks of three years of Jesus life. But there are pieces of information, documents and proof all over the world of where and what he did during the other 30 years of his life. But a majority of people out there don't want to hear it because they're afraid that it might obscure or take away from what they believe, take away from the indoctrination of what they believed or what they have believed in. I ask you right now do you want the, the truth? Do you desire truth, even if that truth is something different than what you currently believe? That the truth may be in what you believe, but what you have been led to believe is not the complete truth. I hope that makes sense. May Spirit actually open that up and help make more sense if it's confusing.

Speaker 1:

But Mother Earth, our planet, our home, it's not just in jeopardy, we are in jeopardy. Look around us. How can we not care? How can we not care that species on this earth are just dwindling away because they have nowhere to live and breathe and to eat and breathe, entire species going extinct? So we could build more buildings and more houses and places for our fancy cars, and many of us at the same time trying to say, well, we love the Creator, as we're abusing the creation. We can't keep going like this.

Speaker 1:

I believe in a Creator, maybe differently than what you believe in a Creator, but I believe that when you honor a creator, you must honor their creation. And we don't do that. The majority of us don't do that. We don't even think about it. And when we're told that we need to do things to help our planet, we shrug it off in thinking that it's just politics, that someone's trying to get more money or someone's trying to take power from somebody, and I agree there is times when that has happened. But it doesn't take the scientists to show us these things, because anybody that's been around more than 20 years can see the differences in our environment, in our, in our lands, in the Sun and the animals around us, their behaviors know. Even your Bible speaks about these things, the signs. But what we don't understand is this cycle has happened many times before and it's happened because we have followed the same paths each and every time, never learning from our mistakes, never learning from our mistakes, never learning from the people and the prophets and the people put before us to speak to you about the things that were happening, that were going to happen. Because we've been so indoctrinated that, if we're not a big motivational speaker or a a preacher with a long list of degrees, or a philosopher or teacher that has many degrees, spirit doesn't always use educated minds. Wisdom and education are different. Wisdom is often come from mistakes. Wisdom is come from learning from those mistakes and wisdom is what will save us and this earth Wisdom, understanding and then used with knowledge, we can change things, but without the wisdom first, without the wisdom and understanding to know the time, to know when it's time, that, no matter level of education, can ever change anything.

Speaker 1:

Our country is over 200 years old, yet most of us aren't happy here. We say we're proud of this country, but yet we know deep down inside we have feelings that are very negative and we want to put those things on the other parties that we don't vote on. We want to say it's their fault or it's their fault, when in reality it is our fault. It is our fault that we have sat back on the couch, watched our news channel, watched the politicians speak, moan and groan and complain to our family members and then merely move on, allowing these people to do whatever it is they chose to do, because that's what we were supposed to do Rather than being the men and women, the free people Free people that would actually do something, commit to some type of action.

Speaker 1:

We see our countries in jeopardy. We see our planet in jeopardy. We can't save it all and I know I'm kind of going here and going there talking about a plea for Mother Earth, but maybe Spirit is trying to say that maybe we should just start with our own country first and try to get other countries to follow that we all need to acknowledge our failures, that we all need to acknowledge our failures, our shortcomings of what we haven't done and what we should have done, when we have allowed corporate leaders to poison Mother Earth, to poison the people, all in the name of profit. And yet we just sit back and we talk about lawsuits and things of that nature. And where have we gone as a people that used to rise up. Rise up and say that if you come against me and my family, rest assured I am going to come up against you. Where are my people? Where are those people that will stand up and say no more, we don't want to live like this, no more. We don't want to be taxed slaves anymore. We don't want to be slaves, period anymore. We don't want our planet to die. We don't want all our resources to be used up and for our earth to totally collapse in on itself, to burn up in a heat wave of temperatures that are when you see things, when you begin to have visions of things that will come if there are not changes.

Speaker 1:

You know it's sad that some of us and I blame religion and somewhat the indoctrination of education, because they don't teach what they really need to, but we believe we're the only species in the universe that we are. All there is Because a book says that two people were created and from those two people we come about that we don't have an understanding, a broad enough mind to understand that simply because it's in one book Doesn't mean it only happened one time In one place, with just one people. There are things around you that you can't phantom. There's laws to this universe, into this life, that you can never understand it. But what we can understand is we were given this beautiful planet to live on and we were given a beautiful life to live. We were allowed to have such life when it could have been taken from all of us at any given time, and we've abused it, we've misused it and we've used it to give us comforts, to pad our wallets and our purses, to make us better than the neighbors, all while the earth and life was dying around us. The earth and life was dying around us.

Speaker 1:

And we get satisfied with a few donations here and there. Or we see things at the zoo where we go to different places and say, well, we gave $50 here and we did this and we're trying to cut back on our plastic. And you know, these things are great, but we have to do more, because we have gotten to the point where now is the time. It's either we do it now or we go extinct. We are going to lose everything that we know. We are going to lose everything that we know that the world as we know it will change. As we know it, earth itself will still be here, made into a new creation, but most of us won't be here and I know, even though I speak right now, I can hear religious people saying that well, it's prophesied that that's what happened and we have to understand, because these things have happened before.

Speaker 1:

How do I want to honestly say this. You know I've never said that in religion is lies. What it is is somewhat truth. Some truth mixed in with a lot of third and fourth Can be down conversations. It's the he said, she said, stuff that gets blurred and tainted and changed, and not that anybody's truly meaning to tell a lie or tell things as they aren't, but they get confused and they don't tell them as they are.

Speaker 1:

We are going to see things in the next few years, if it even takes that long. We're going to see things that will change your entire mindset. They will challenge every religious notion within your mind and heart. People will try to tell you that, well, this is the devil, this is Satan trying to confuse. You Know right now that that is is the devil. This is Satan trying to confuse. You know right now that that is not the case. Now, what you will see is the truth. What you will see is the truth coming to you trying to save what's left of our species in this planet. They're already trying to work with us now.

Speaker 1:

I know this in my heart and I speak to anyone that's out there. You know, if you have the notion to help, then do what you can to help. Be that voice. Be that voice on the radio or the podcast. Or, if you're a radio host, allow someone that has the voice to be on your radio, to be on your channel, to be on your YouTube page, to be help in whatever way that you can have that person on your broadcast. Do an interview with that person on your YouTube channel or merely speak about what that person is speaking of.

Speaker 1:

Too many of us will fall back on. Well, what is their education background? Do they know what they're talking about? Remember what I said spirit is about wisdom. It's about understanding. It's not education. Education comes very close to indoctrination, because education, if we're not careful, is only that which someone else. How do I want to say it again? We know most of us that are somewhat educated Know that our history, the real history, is not written in the history books as it truly happened, but writers tried to make things nicer, cleaner, to fit a better narrative for future generations so they don't know the horrible, corrupt things that our ancestors did, when it's vital that we do know. It's vital that we know the things that our ancestors did so we don't do them again.

Speaker 1:

We are in jeopardy, our planet is in jeopardy and I know that I have gone kind of all over the place in this Spirit trying to give me the utterance, trying to give me of what exactly to speak, because I've said many times, when I sit down to do a broadcast, I have nothing prepared. I have nothing prepared. I usually sit for five or ten minutes and meditate on what spirit has for me to speak and then I speak, and I speak according to what I feel and what I hear, not in an audible voice, but in a voice that is surrounding, as in a. I really can't even explain it. Those of you out there that understand understand and those that do not. I hope that someday you do.

Speaker 1:

The truth comes in a revelation. It comes in an epiphany. It doesn't always come from a book or a school. In a revelation, it comes in an epiphany. It doesn't always come from a book or a school or a teacher. It comes from a spiritual poke. It might be just you walking down the street and you notice something and the Spirit speaks to you internally and all of a sudden you understand something that you've never understood before. That's Spirit, because even your Bible says that we need no man to teach us, because the Spirit teaches us all things.

Speaker 1:

When we are open to Spirit, there's a spiritual world all around us. If we're open to it, if we can tap into it, the spirit is trying to tell us right now that we got to do something. You know what? We may not change everything. We may not even stop what is to come. Maybe we don't. I firmly believe we will if we do the things that we're told to do. But what if we don't? Or should I say, what if we didn't? At least we're following and we're doing what we're supposed to do. We're doing what's right. We're doing what's right for our children and our grandchildren.

Speaker 1:

We want them to live in the best world that they can live in. I want them to see the creatures and the plants and the life that I've seen, that I've been able to witness, and to be around and hold. I want them to be able to explore, go hiking, go fishing, go whatever it is, boating, whatever it is that you feel like, you know that connects you with nature, connects you with the world, but that part, that world that I'm talking about, isn't going to exist. How many creatures have already gone extinct? And it go extinct every day. All you have to do is google it and it'll tell you. All kinds of different species just drop off and and most of them died because they have no where, they have no habitat because we cut all the trees down, we built too many buildings and houses and corporate buildings, warehouses, roads.

Speaker 1:

You're going to say, well, we have to have these things. No, we don't. We don't have to have these things. No, we don't, we don't have to have these things. We want these things. They make our life easier. And the greedy corporate leaders, those out there that are all about profit and don't care about this planet, they don't care about you or your children. They will destroy everything, and if we sit back and just simply let them do it, they will do it.

Speaker 1:

It is up to us to do more than just speak that there is a time for action. I'm not telling you to get violent, but I'm telling you To commit your voice to action. Protest, speak up, march, do what you have to do, in whatever level of Resistance, what you have to do in whatever level of resistance, trying to find the white words, as sometimes it's hard, because even spirit, when it, you know, gets to really moving and you see that it's like spirit telling you to rise up. Rise up and be the people that you are. Stop letting these people, stop letting this 1% rule the other 99%, destroying your lives, destroying your planet, destroying the future of your children and your grandchildren, while we sit and just moan and groan about it in our workplaces, at the kitchen table, wherever it may be.

Speaker 1:

Voting is not enough. Voting, in fact. I'm not going to say it does nothing, but it does very little in today's world. At one time it did, but it does very little in today's world. At one time it did. But in today's world, the political arena has changed so much and it's gone so corrupt that unless we start doing things and commit our voice to action there is, it's hopeless unless we commit ourselves, and that's why I wanted to.

Speaker 1:

I wanted to title this broadcast. It's hopeless unless we commit ourselves, and that's why I wanted to title this broadcast A Plea for Mother Earth. But it's more than that it's a plea for Mother Earth and life. It's a plea for creation To let us live, to let our future children live and live healthy, live a good life. Yes, it may be a different life that we live hopefully it'll be a better life but that we want them to be happy and to see the things that were created for us and not just see the destruction of such creation around us. Take some time and, just wherever you are or whenever you can, just ask yourself what can I do? What can I truly do to commit my voice to action? What can I do? Thank you everybody. Please share this podcast and be blessed and blessed be.

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